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Duke Magna's Berserk

Duke Magna's Berserk
Item Skill - Throne and Liberty

Melee Heavy Attack 95 ▲ for 6s upon applying Stun or Shock with Stunning Blow
Duke Magna's Berserk
Melee Heavy Attack [50|65|80|95|95] ▲ for 6s upon applying Stun or Shock with Stunning Blow
Melee Heavy Attack 95 ▲ for 6s upon applying Stun or Shock with Stunning Blow
Melee Heavy Attack 95 ▲ for 6s upon applying Stun or Shock with Stunning Blow

Related Skills

On hit, has a 10% chance to apply Weaken: Poison, which applies 6.5 ▼ Incoming Heal for 9s
Rotting Poison
Applying Weaken: Burning with Staff Skills creates a 5% chance of applying the Explosive Insect effect. The explosive insect explodes in 3s, dealing 540% of Base Damage to the target and 1080% of Base Damage to all other enemies in a 3m radius
Queen Bellandir's Explosive Insect
Incoming Heal 30% ▲ during Counter Barrier
Purgatorial Barrier