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Throne and Liberty Tier List
Create Your Tier List

Welcome to the Throne and Liberty Tier List Overview Page. You can select one of the available Tier Lists above to create your own Tier List and share them with friends. For example you can select the Weapon Tier List. You will be directed to a new page where you can select all existing in game Weapons and place them in any spot of S A B C D for your Tier List. 

Below you can see an example of a Throne and Liberty Weapons Tier List. 

Throne and Liberty Tier List Weapons
Throne and Liberty Tier List Weapons

You can also save the Tier List, it will show on your account page. You can also always edit or delete it from there.

Edit your Tier List in the account page section
Edit your Tier List in the account page section

If you don't have an account you won't be able to edit the tier list later but you can still share it with your friends.