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What Is a Fury Attack in Throne & Liberty

What Is a Fury Attack in Throne & Liberty

Andrew 7 months ago

Welcome to our quick guide on Fury Attacks for Throne & Liberty. 

Fury Attacks are commonly mentioned in the descriptions of many Skills in Throne & Liberty. This is especially true for Defensive Skills like Iron Point Parry. But many players are initially unsure what exactly a Fury Attack is. This guide will explain what the term means, and how you can identify Fury Attacks.

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What Are Fury Attacks in Throne & Liberty?

Fury Attacks are a special type of attack in Throne & Liberty. Usually more powerful than other attacks, they commonly deal an especially high amount of damage or cause a detrimental effect on the target when they connect, such as a stun or a debuff.

When fighting PvE enemies, you will often encounter Fury Attacks. They can be easily identified by a purple icon (see the image above) that appears over the enemy while they charge up an attack. 

This indicator allows you to easily identify imminent Fury Attacks and helps you time your block. 

We will now go into more detail about how to deal with Fury Attacks. 

How to Defend against Fury Attacks in Throne & Liberty

Some Fury Attacks, particularly those from weak melee mobs, can be avoided by simply moving away. However, in most cases, you must utilize the Defensive Skill slotted on your hotbar (Q by default on PC). 

Each weapon in Throne & Liberty has a Defensive skill associated with it, and you must choose one to slot from either of your equipped weapons. 

When a Fury Attack is about to be aimed at you, you'll see a purple symbol appear over the enemy, which usually looks like two shapes gradually converging. When the shapes converge, the attack will connect. To properly defend against Fury Attacks, you should aim to perform a Perfect Block or Perfect Dodge. This means activating your Defensive Skill at the same time as (or only very slightly before) the attack lands. Use the purple indicator to guide your efforts. 

Blocking too early will still mitigate some of the attack, but is not as effective as a perfect block. This will usually be fine, but some of the harder bosses in the game may severely punish players who fail to get a perfect block. 

Blocking too late means you will take the full force of the Fury Attack, so it's always better to block earlier rather than later. Keep in mind that playing with high ping affects the timing of your block, so if your ping is high, you'll need to account for that when timing it. 

Successfully defending against Fury Attacks with your Defensive Skill will allow you to activate the skill again to perform a counterattack against the enemy. These counterattacks are usually quite powerful, so you should try your best to get used to timing your defence and taking advantage of the counterattacks as much as possible. 

We hope you liked this guide about Fury Attacks in Throne & Liberty. 

About the Author: Andrew

Andrew is an avid long-time gamer and writer with a lot of experience in the gaming industry. Andrew also writes content for and