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The amberjack is a huge fish about 135 cm in length and 100 kg in weight. It has a silver body with a purplish-blue back and yellow side stripes. It has sharp teeth and a strong bite, making it difficult to handle when caught. It lives in waters in temperate climates. Size: Medium
The Arowana grows to about 72 cm in length and can have a silvery or golden body. It's characterized by its elongated, crescent-shaped body and pronounced scales. Its lower jaw is more prominent than its upper jaw, giving it a very powerful bite. Its tongue is hard as bone, which is why it's nicknamed the Bony Tongue Fish, and fisherman know to handle it with care or risk getting bitten. It lives in freshwater with warm water temperatures. Size: Small
Aurora Starfish
Found in all of Solisium's oceans, the Aurora Starfish has a distinctive body and arms. It uses its whip-like arms to crawl across the seafloor when moving, and is surprisingly difficult to capture. It's about 30 cm long and turns a beautiful rainbow of colors when heated. Size: Small
Ballan Wrasse
The ballan wrasse has a relatively large head and heavy body, but a small mouth. It has an average emerald color and measures about 72 centimeters, although larger specimens have been found. It lives in rocky areas and can change from female to male in some environments. It's widely used as a food source. Size: Small
Banded Butterflyfish
The butterflyfish is 54 cm long, with a flattened, rounded body. Its mouth is small and protruding. Its coloration is yellow with black vertical stripes across the eyes and body. It lives in coral reefs and is usually only active during the day. Its bright colors and small size make it a popular pet fish. Size: Small
The barracuda is a large fish that can grow to 180 cm in length. Its body is grayish with a silver-white belly. It has short dark brown horizontal stripes on its back that don't extend beyond the lateral lines. Its fins are also mostly dark brown. It is aggressive and territorial, making it a top predator. It lives mainly in warm, clear waters. Size: Large
Belphoret Bass
Native to the Belphoret region, the Belphoret bass typically measures around 63 cm. It's silvery white and pale green, with a darker back and white sides and belly. It has long narrow black stripes on its sides and spiny fins. It's usually found in lakes and rivers. Size: Small
Big Sack
Black Bream
The Black Bream generally grows up to 135cm and weighs about 2 to 4 kg. It is flat on the sides and its fins are gray or black. In clear waters, it may appear bronze in color. It usually lives in the lower reaches of rivers and feeds on algae that live in the nutrient-rich muds. Size: Medium.
Blacktail Snook
The blacktail snook is about 180 cm long and has a silvery body with a dark brown line along the sides that extends to the tail. The dorsal fin is gray and darkens toward the tip. The other fins are transparent or yellowish, and the caudal fin is black throughout but lighter at the tip and in the middle. It is mostly found in the oceans in warmer climates. Size: Large
Blacktip Shark
The Blacktip Shark is a medium sized shark that grows to about 180cm. It has a long, pointy mouth, relatively smaller eyes, and a sturdy, streamlined body, which enables it to swim at very high speeds. The back side of the body is dark gray, and its belly is white. It is active only when it rains, and is known to be a violent predator, but it tends to avoid humans. Size: Large
Blue Filefish
Clown Triggerfish is a fish with a body length of about 135cm. The body is vertically oval and flat. The mouth is small and the teeth are sharp. Its body is black, the back is yellow, and has blue or white spots on the belly. There is a yellow line from the back to the ventral fin, and the tip of the caudal fin is black. The overall color of the fins is blue. It lives near coral reefs in warm shallow waters. It is popular as an aquarium fish due to its beautiful color. Size: Medium
The Bluegill is a small fish which grows to about 45cm in length. It lives in freshwater where the current is not strong. It has surprisingly sharp dorsal fins. It's a fast breeding fish due to how well parents protect their eggs from larger predators. It is a omnivorous fish that feeds on a variety of fish species. The upper body is dark green and the belly is yellow. Flaky, tasty, and versatile. Size: Small
The Discus is a fish prized for its gorgeous appearance. The disk-like flat body grows to a size of 45cm and has vivid colors such as green and red. Its beautiful and delicate appearances make them a popular aquarium fish among the nobles of Solisium. It prefers warm climates and mainly lives in the fresh water. Size: Small
Dolly Varden Trout
The Dolly Varden trout has a slender, elongated, flattened body. It's usually about 135 cm long and has a large mouth with the back of the upper jaw set slightly behind the back of the eyes. Its coloration is yellowish-brown on the dorsal side and silvery-white on the ventral side, with light yellowish-brown rounded spots on the sides and light yellow spots below the lateral line. It's usually found in lakes and rivers. Size: Medium
Flathead Gray Mullet
The Mullet has an average size of 135cm. It has silver scales and thin stripes, with large eyes and thick lips. Mullet is highly adaptable and survives in various water conditions throughout Solisium. It is a cheap cooking ingredient that is popular among commoners. Size: Medium
Fonsiné Barracuda
The Fonsiné barracuda averages about 135 cm in length, but individuals over a meter have been reported. Its gray body is dotted with white markings, giving it a distinctive appearance. Its long, stiff body resembles a skewer, and its sharp teeth and fierce temper make it a highly dangerous fish. It's said to be native to the Fonsiné River in Belphoret. Size: Medium
Heliber Goldfish
Heliber Goldfish was named so because its black color resembled that of a Heliber. It is characterized by clear, protruding eyes. It is usually about 45cm in size. It lives in fresh water with weak currents and swims slowly. As it gets older, its body turn black and their eyes protrude. The both sexes look alike, so one can't tell the difference between them. It's not tasty, but its unique look makes it popular as a pet fish. Size: Small
Horse Mackerel
Horse Mackerel is a fish that grows up to 135cm in length and is one of the main preys of fishermen due to its good taste. The back of the body is soft blue, then it gets brighter around the lateral stripes, and finally turns into silver on the belly side. The closer to the end of the caudal fin, the darker it gets. It mainly lives along the coasts of the ocean in warm climates. Size: Medium.
Imp Catalupa
The imp catalufa is a small fish, about 63 cm long. Its body is dark orange and red, and its dorsal fin looks like spikes. It grows to about a meter long, although it's been seen longer. It is carnivorous and nocturnal. It's found in lakes and rivers in areas with relatively warm water temperatures. Size: Small
Kahawai is a fish that grows to an average length of 135cm and is mainly found in shallow waters. The body is bluish-silver, and there are blue spots on the back. The flesh of Kahawai is red. It is said that there is a tradition of eating fresh Kahawai by smoking them over a bonfire at sunset in fishing villages. Size: Medium
Lanquis Barracuda
The Lanquis barracuda grows to an average length of about 135 cm. Its body is brown with a yellowish tinge, and it's characterized by yellow spots and stripes. It's native to the rivers of Lanquis, but is currently found in freshwater throughout Solisium. Fishermen often debate the difference between Lanquis and Fonsiné species. Size: Medium
Lanquis Bass
The Lanquis Bass is a species commonly found in rivers with warm temperatures. It has broad gray stripes and a silvery body, along with a yellow tail and fins. It grows up to 135cm, and despite its lovely appearance, it is known to be an aggressive predator that feeds on shrimp, crab, and small fish. Size: Medium
Lanquis Carp
The Lanquis Carp is a fish that lives in rivers and streams. It is known to grow up to 180cm in length. It has a gold or olive-colored body, a blunt tail, and rounded back and belly fins. They are not easy to find because of its dark color, and its skin is very slippery, so people often lose it even after catching it. Size: Large
Largemouth Bass
The Largemouth Bass has a sizeable mouth, hence its name. It's characterized by its green back, white belly, and black stripes down the sides of its body. It grows up to 180cm long and lays around 6,000 eggs. It lives in freshwater, such as lakes with abundant algae and feeds on fish and insects. Its sharp dorsal fin and large mouth make it a difficult fish to handle. Size: Medium
The Luderick is a fish characterized by its yellow eye color. The average size is about 45cm or a little bit longer. Luderick come in various colors, but golden ones are most common. Its dorsal and pectoral fins are grayish red, while its other fins are bright red. It mainly lives in clean fresh water with lots of vegetation. Size: Small
Mackerel has a body length of about 45cm, with a bluish back and a silvery white belly. There are dark blue patterns around the dorsal fin. The tail is yellow and the edge is black. It lives in cold clear seas, staying somewhere between the surface and mid depth of the water. In the spring and summer times they stay in the shallow places and move to deeper water in fall. It lays a lot of eggs and has a good taste, which makes it a popular cooking ingredient. Size: Small
Mahi Mahi
The Mahi Mahi is a large fish that grows up to 180cm in length and weighs up to 40kg. It is a carnivorous fish that feeds on Flying Fish and Squid. Its body is bluish green and its underside is yellowish silver white, with striking green spots all across its body. It lives in warm climates and stays near the water's surface. It sometimes follows around ships or floating objects. Size: Large
Mantis Shrimp
Mantis Shrimp is carnivorous crustaceans that feeds on small fish. It usually grows to about 45cm. Depending on the shape of pincers, they are categorized as either punch-type and spear-type, and generally lives in a burrow it makes on the coast in warm climates. Its two large protruded compound eyes can sense more lights than that of humans. The eyes move separately. Size: Small
Pajama Cardinalfish
The pajama cardinalfish is a small fish, about 45 cm long, with an unusual habit: when the female spawns, the male carries the eggs in his mouth until they hatch to protect them. To protect the eggs, the male will hold the eggs in his mouth and will not eat for two to three months until the young can venture out on their own. It lives in freshwater and has large, reddish eyes and two forked dorsal fins. It has a yellow head and a black band down the middle of its body that looks like a belt. Size: Small
Peacock Bass
The Peacock Bass is a large freshwater fish that can grow up to 180cm in length. Its most notable feature is a spot on its tail. It feeds on anything it can fit in its mouth. It swallows its prey whole, using a line of teeth in its throat to keep hold of its meal. It tastes delicious when cooked and is considered to be a luxurious cooking ingredient. Size: Large
Pennant Coralfish
The Pennant Coralfish is a small fish that grows to about 45cm. Its has vivid black and white band patterns, along with long dorsal fin and yellow tail. Pennant Coralfish are generally not very flavorful, but some people consider their dorsal fin a delicacy. It lives in warm climates. Size: Small
Pink Cod
The pink cod, popular for its taste, is usually about 135 cm long. It's gray or pinkish on the back and white on the belly. It has numerous spots and wavy lines on its dorsal fin and sides. Schools of pink cod are usually found in deep water, though it can be found in shallow waters during spawning season. Size: Medium
Rainbow Ray-Finned Fish
The Rainbow Ray-Finned Fish is a small fish that grows to around 45cm in length. When it is a small fry, it is gray, but as it gains black, blue, green, and red bands on its back as it matures. All fries are all female when they hatch, but if the conditions are right some turn into males as they grow, changing their colors change as well. This fish lives in the sea with a moderate climate, hiding among reef areas. Size: Small
Red Salmon
The Red Salmon grows to an average of 180cm in length. The head is green and the body is red. Salmon usually go back to the sea after spawning, but some of them stay behind in the fresh water and migrate to freshwater lakes. Salmon that live in the fresh water turn red, hence their name. It is popular among anglers because of its distinct taste and striking color. Size: Large
Silver Anchovy
The silver anchovy is a small fish, with a typical length of 45 cm. Its body is almost oval in shape, with a dark blue color on the back and a silver color in the center and belly. Its scales are easily shed, which is why it's often caught with missing scales. It lives in large schools to protect itself from predators. It's usually found in shallow waters. It grows very fast, making it a food source for many creatures. Size: Small
Skipjack Tuna
Skipjack Tuna is a fish about 135cm long that lives in temperate waters. It is active only when it rains and has no scales on most of its body, with its back being blue and its sides and belly silver. It is characterized by a stripe running down on its side and small teeth on its jaw. Skipjack Tuna is a good swimmer, and it moves across the ocean to change its habitat several times during its life cycle. Size: Medium
Small-Mouthed Rockfish
Small-Mouthed Rockfish is a species commonly found in rivers. They prefer cold and clear water. The size is about 50cm, the body color is yellow or green, and has dark-colored spots and bands throughout the body. Novice anglers should be careful as it is pretty strong compared to its size. Size: Small
Solisium Carp
The Solisium carp is not uniform in length, but is commonly found in sizes around 1 m. The body is streamlined, long, and broad. The head is conical. The body is yellowish-green in color, darker on the back, lighter on the belly, and brown on the sides. It has two pairs of whiskers and well-developed teeth. It lives in freshwater and is known to be quite difficult to catch. Size: Large
The Squid has three parts: head, body, and arms, with both eyes located between the arms and body. It can be found throughout Solisium's sea, from the coast to the deep sea. It is a bioluminescent nocturnal species that is active at night. It is about 45cm in size and is a carnivore that feeds on small fish. On the other hand, Squids are a decent food source for larger fish. Size: Small
Striped Mackerel
The striped mackerel is a large fish about 135 cm in length and 10 kilograms in weight. Its body is silver with several black-blue bands running from the head to the back. Its diet consists of small fish, squid and crustaceans. It lives mainly in seas with temperate climates. Size: Medium
Stripped Crimson Seabream
Striped Red Sea Bream is a fish with a body length of 135cm. The overall body is reddish-brown, with a brownish face and white cheeks. It has six horizontal white stripes from the fin to its back. It lives in warm seas and is often found near coral reefs or rocks. Size: Medium
Sunspot Rockfish
Sunspot Rockfish is characterized by rows of black spots, and its total length is about 135cm. They live in various freshwater such as streams and rivers, and their young has a wide orange band on tails. This fish has a relatively small mouth among other Rockfish. It is notorious because it feeds on every small aquatic creature within the area. Size: Medium
Taion Moray Eel
The Taion moray is about 158 cm long. Its body is slender and elongated, and flat. Its dorsal and caudal fins are connected. Its body has thick skin and is yellowish-brown with irregular horizontal bands of dark brown. It lives in schools near reefs in shallow waters, especially coral reefs. With its big appetite, it eats all kinds of fish and invertebrates. It's bold and has a fierce temper. Size: Medium
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