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Throne and Liberty Eternal Warlord's Plate
Chest Armor

Epic 2
Lv. 0
Melee Defense
Ranged Defense
Bind Resistance
Hit Chance
Max Health
Part of the Skilled Veteran Set
2 Items: Melee, Ranged, and Magic Endurance Increase 120 , Melee, Ranged, and Magic Endurance Increases 120 for self and party members within 18m
4 Items: Damage Reduction Increase 12, Damage Reduction Increases 12 for self and party members within 18m
Possible Traits:
Debuff Duration: -6%
Max Health: +600
Melee Endurance: +160
Melee Evasion: +160
Ranged Endurance: +160
Ranged Evasion: +160
Eternal Warlord's Plate

Item Stats

Level Melee Defense Ranged Defense Magic Defense Bind Resistance Hit Chance Max Health
1 253 130 - 36 35 255
2 263 140 - 42 40 295
3 274 150 - 48 45 335
4 284 160 - 55 50 375
5 295 170 - 61 55 405
6 305 180 - 67 60 445
7 316 190 - 73 65 485
8 326 200 - 80 70 525
9 337 210 - 86 75 555
10 347 220 - 92 80 595
11 358 230 - 98 85 635
12 368 240 - 105 90 675

Possible Traits

  • Debuff Duration
  • Max Health
  • Melee Endurance
  • Melee Evasion
  • Ranged Endurance
  • Ranged Evasion