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Throne and Liberty Forgotten Lotus Pants
Legs Armor

Epic 2
Lv. 0
Melee Defense
Ranged Defense
Attack Speed
Hit Chance
Max Health
Part of the Forgotten Assassin Set
2 Items: Melee, Ranged, and Magic Evasion Increase 110 , Melee, Ranged, and Magic Evasion Increases 110 for self and party members within 18m
4 Items: Magic, Melee, and Ranged Critical Hit Increases110, Magic, Melee, and Ranged Critical Hit Increases 110 for self and party members within 18m
Possible Traits:
Debuff Duration: -6%
Magic Endurance: +160
Magic Evasion: +160
Max Health: +600
Ranged Endurance: +160
Ranged Evasion: +160
Forgotten Lotus Pants

Item Stats

Level Melee Defense Ranged Defense Magic Defense Attack Speed Dexterity Hit Chance Max Health
1 230 230 - 2.9% 2 50 180
2 240 240 - 3.2% 2 55 220
3 250 250 - 3.5% 2 60 260
4 260 260 - 3.9% 3 65 300
5 270 270 - 4.2% 3 70 330
6 280 280 - 4.5% 3 75 370
7 290 290 - 4.9% 3 80 410
8 300 300 - 5.2% 4 85 450
9 310 310 - 5.5% 4 90 480
10 320 320 - 5.9% 4 95 520
11 330 330 - 6.2% 4 100 560
12 340 340 - 6.5% 5 105 600

Possible Traits

  • Debuff Duration
  • Magic Endurance
  • Magic Evasion
  • Max Health
  • Ranged Endurance
  • Ranged Evasion