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Throne and Liberty Where is Ruki?

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One sunny day, a new storage manager arrived at the Starlight Observatory Ruins. Ruki greeted the customer with a loud voice. "Nice to meet you! My name is Ruki. Pleased to be working with you!" The customer asked him to take care of his crossbow. Ruki took the crossbow and head to the area where the storage boxes were kept. Ruki's footsteps were heavy as he headed inside. His forehead was damp with cold sweat. "Oh, dear. How do I fit this in here?" Ruki became overwhelmed at the mere thought of organizing the customer's storage. He had no idea where to even start. Organizing his customer's belongings is part of his job, but for a newbie like Ruki, it was much too difficult a task. That's why Ruki was always making mistakes. One day, a surly knight approached him.

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"Here." The surly knight dropped five large Greatswords on the floor. Ruki picked up the swords and struggled as he walked to the storage. "We've got a big problem!" The knight's storage was already filled with armor and swords. Ruki tried to push and fold the armor as tightly as possible, but there was just no room for the swords. "How long are you going to take? I need to go hunt!" The surly knight refused to leave the swords with Ruki and left. Ruki was devastated. He wanted to do his best as the storage manager, but organizing everyone's things was tough. Ruki shared how he felt with his friend, Pinko. After listening to Ruki, Pinko told him that he ought to talk to Marik.

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Marik was a goblin who was known for his incredible organizational skills. He'd even earned the nickname the Organization Fairy. "You want to get good at organizing, Ruki?" Ruki nodded. "Just follow me!" Marik told Ruki everything he knew about organizing techniques. Ruki wrote down every single tip that Marik taught him. "Organizing starts with emptying," said Marik.

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"Empty out the storage container that you want to organize. Then, put everything back in one by one!" Ruki started emptying out the storage, just as Marik taught him. He took out swords, armor, and elixirs. The storage that was filled to the brim became emptier and emptier. "Yay! It's empty!" Ruki smiled and raised both hands in the air in triumph. Now all that was left was to stack the items back into storage. But everything was gone.

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All the items that Ruki took out had disappeared. Ruki was shocked into silence. Marik and Pinko had taken everything. They had run off while Ruki was emptying the storage. "I'm so angry!" Ruki cursed Marik and Pinko. He ran toward the Urstella Fields, where they had disappeared. If you ever pass through the Urstella Fields, be on the lookout. You might come across an angry Ruki looking for Marik and Pinko. Angry goblins can be vicious, so be cautious.