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Throne and Liberty Ahzreil Investigation Report

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Investigation Records of Ahzreil I, Christopher Kunde, have been researching the hierarchy structure of the Grand Elders of the Sylavean Order. My intention is to reveal their evil deeds and prevent their beliefs from spreading. My biggest interest is to figure out how Ahzreil, who once was the most faithful priest of Einar, turned into a Grand Elder of the Sylavean Order. If I learn how it happened, I might at last understand how they corrupt others. With that in mind, I'm going to investigate what actually happened to Ahzreil and assemble a complete record of these events.

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The Legend of Ahzreil Xeroth, who once was a promising magic researcher, was told by her god Tiumangard that she should sacrifice the one she loves the most to prove her faith. In accordance with Tiumangard's will, she stabbed her lover, Ahzreil, with a poisoned dagger and pushed him off a cliff. It was the 4th Grand Elder Skultus who saved the dying man. Ahzreil was resurrected by the power of darkness. His despair was so great that it made him turn from the light of Einar. He became a faithful follower of Sylaveth, the god who wishes death and judgement upon humans. Years passed, and Ahzreil became the 6th Grand Elder, instigating the war of wizards to destroy the temples of Einar.

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Witnessing Ahzreil Recently, adventurers, merchants, and pilgrims passing by the Shattered Temple have been killed by Ahzreil. Those who lost family to him were furious and started to raise funds to hire mercenaries and guilds to avenge their dead kin. I joined a band of mercenaries in hopes of seeing the Grand Elder Ahzreil with my own eyes. After a month of marching, we finally encountered him. But the true monster was the fear itself. I passed out during the battle, and when I woke up, I was buried beneath a mountain of corpses. I remember dark smoke around a gigantic statue and the revolting smell when Ahzreil arrived. Just one swing of that scythe, and dozens of mercenaries lost their heads. It's been a week, but my heart still races when I think about what happened. That's why I'm stopping my investigation.