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Throne and Liberty Brandon's Research Materials - Janice Cartair -

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My dear Brandon, I have received your courteous and affectionate letter. Your aunt is delighted to learn that after so many years of wandering, you have taken up your pen again and are writing about her alma mater, Venelux. You're right. Venelux is a prestigious magic school with a long and storied tradition. It has produced countless mages, as well as countless incidents. Janice Cartair's disappearance is one of them.

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Janice Cartair was a prodigy who created a Diston at the young age of eighteen. You probably know the name. What mage doesn't? There isn't a corner of Solisium she hasn't traveled in her many journeys. But back when I was a student, she was most known for her disappearance. It was the day of the ceremony. Thing was, she was named Chancellor, and it was cause for great celebration throughout the grounds. We stood forever in that cool spring breeze, and she never showed up. It was late into the day that we realized she wasn't at Venelux at all. She was gone. Rumors spread, of course. Some gossiped that she'd run off to become a Shadowmancer! But they didn't know her. She was nothing but righteousness itself.

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Venelux went to great lengths to search for her, but it was futile. After many years of extensive investigation, they had to call it quits. Venelux concluded that she had met with an unfortunate accident and gave her a ceremonial burial. Many mages were dissatisfied with this decision. An accident? No way Janice Cartair could have met such a fate. But the institution had reason to hurry. The seat of the Chancellor had remained empty all those years. And just like that, the case of Janice Cartair, the greatest mage of her time, was closed. Her death was officially recorded in the books. But it remained a vexing mystery to many, including Therianne, who herself would later become the Chancellor of Venelux.

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Through an unofficial investigation, Therianne and her mages doggedly tracked Janice to Solisium. There they found her at last, sitting among the glories of her accomplishments for Solisium. She was placed on the pedestal of an Archmage, while Therianne became the Chancellor of Venelux. They continue to work together to this day in friendship and unity. That's as far as I know about this story, my dear. Do write again, won't you? I know I ramble, but your letters are a joy to my heart. Stay safe and warm! Your loving aunt.