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Throne and Liberty Brandon's Research Materials - Therianne Port -

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Hello, Brandon. It's good to hear that you're working on something new. As your friend and fan, I know it will be good. You asked about Chancellor Therianne in your last letter, and I don't really have much to say about her, but I'll do my best to write what I do know.

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Therianne Port is the most beloved chancellor in Venelux history. She holds the highest office in Venelux, but she's not arrogant. She's polite, no matter who she's talking to, and her soft-spoken, generous nature is reminiscent of a priestess of Einar. But don't underestimate her. She beat out the competition from some of the most prominent deans in the country to become chancellor. She also doesn't have much tolerance for rule-breaking and wrongdoing. If you've done something that violates core mage ethics, you'd better run to her as fast as you can and beg for forgiveness, because at least then, you'll be able to walk out of Venelux on your own two feet. I hear you'll be visiting Venelux yourself soon. If you're thinking of interviewing Therianne, maybe my story will help. Here's hoping that you make only the best of memories during your stay. Your friend, J.