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Throne and Liberty Introduction to Magic Schema

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Introduction to Magic Schemas Written by Johaness Luther 1. The History and Basics of Magic Schemas Long ago, people believed that magic and technology were two opposite concepts. Combining them, however, resulted in revolutionary advancements and discoveries. Elemental magic became a new energy source for technology. In turn, technology granted logic to magic, enhancing its accessibility and stability. The most prized discovery of this combination is the Magic Schema. An engineer engraves a series of commands on wooden or stone tablets. After that, a wizard uses elemental power or spells to activate the schema.

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2. Use of Schemas 1) Creations Schemas are mostly used in creations. There are three types of creations: First, Harvesters and Hasicrows. They are used as defenders or guards against enemies. Their schemas are installed in the innermost part of the body, charging them with magical power. Second, Golems. These are used in battles, logistics, or construction tasks. Golems have schemas installed in their bodies like the others, but sometimes a person with magical power can use a schema to turn into a Golem for a limited time. Lastly, Distons. These have various levels of intelligence, allowing them to be used for communication, recording, exploration, and collecting resources. Their schemas are usually engraved on a hidden part of their bodies. The most intelligent models are the Lunar series created by Janice Cartair. Amitoi are downgraded versions of the Lunar series.

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3. Use of Schemas 2) Spatial and Healing Magic Instead of complicated spells, you can use schemas to create teleportation devices. These devices make even remote parts of the world seem closer to adventurers. The best thing about them is that they are reusable, and you don't have to be a wizard to use them. The combination of magic and technology works great in the medical field as well. Magic draws out the source of healing energy, and technology amplifies it to heal any diseases or wounds that may at first seem impossible to cure. Treatments of this sort occur in a space where such schemas are engraved. This system can also be used for defensive measures.

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4. Drawbacks of Magic Schemas As with many bold advancements, this powerful combination of magic and technology presents various problems, including ethical questions. For instance, who should control the use of this powerful technology? Who will decide how to use it? How will it affect the world? Humans have been utilizing magical power as a weapon since the very beginning. The Magic Schema, which combines magic with technology, brings many benefits as well as disastrous side effects. Magic Schemas are what caused the death rain in Laslan and Stonegard. Even more distressingly, some witnesses have reported seeing a demon being summoned by a Magic Schema.

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5. The Present and Future of Magic Schemas Magic Schemas have great potential to bring glory and positive advancement, but we always have to consider the worst case scenarios and implement methods of control to prevent such things from happening. For now, only wizards who are authorized by the Lightbringer Society and Venelux are allowed to use Magic Schemas. There are twenty levels of authorization, and each level may utilize different sizes and ranges of power. The basic usage, morphing, and contracts involving Magic Schemas will be further explained in Advanced Study of Magic Schemas.