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Throne and Liberty Meldmoon Lecture Notes: Grand Aelon

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Professor Meldmoon's Lecture Notes Lecture 12: Grand Aelon. Continuing from where I left off last time. The name Purelight Hill was given after the construction of the Purelight Tower. Prior to that, the entire area was known as Aelon's Forest. It's an old name that's all but forgotten nowadays. Aelon's Forest was said to hold the most beautiful scenery in Laslan, which is why it was also known as Laslan's Treasure. As its name implies, it was full of mysterious, beautiful vegetation, and those who saw it just once were said to remember it for the rest of their lives.

It's said that Mitran Chief Grand Aelon, who protected Aelon's Forest, was amiable to humans at the time. "He gave safe refuge to the desperate, and wisdom to the anguished. May he rest in the broad embrace of the forest." Those lines are from a devotional poem about the Grand Aelon. The author's name is unknown to us, but they were believed to be a wizard of the Lightbringer Society.

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As I'm sure you all know, there was a battle of ideologies between our Lightbringer Society and the Sylavean Order some three centuries ago. The Sylavean Order had burnt down Aelon's Forest and left this area in ashes. Except for the Grand Aelon, not a trace of that beautiful forest remains. The Wizards who built the Purelight Tower wrote at the time, quote: "The sight is unbearably cruel. The corpses of wild beasts and winged creatures fester and blacken on all sides. The nauseating stench reeks so strongly, the foulness lingers even with the nostrils plugged."

"Planted seeds do not grow, and transplanted trees die almost at once. It is a land of the dead that rejects life." The Purelight Tower you see now was built precisely to restore that dead land. The greatest wizards of the time made it their mission to purify the contamination and continue their research. Despite those efforts, not a blade of grass grew in the Land of the Dead for two hundred years. This, more than anything, clearly shows the irresponsibility and brutality of the Sylavean Order's methods.

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The Wizards of the Lightbringer Society were faithful to their calling. Thanks to three centuries of effort by those who preceded us, the land is now gradually recovering. A miracle occurred in the Land of the Dead twenty years ago: the first bud sprouted. The forest you all see now grew after that. Unfortunately, the Grand Aelon himself couldn't be completely purified. It's assumed that the deadly essence that devastated the land also affected his spirit. Despite the good intentions of the Lightbringer Society, the Grand Aelon came to hate all humans. Tragically, the Grand Aelon can no longer be called the forest's sage, but rather, a vengeful monster.

Aelon's Sanctuary to the southeast of the Purelight Tower is a dangerous place that trainees are forbidden to enter. The land there was ruined by the Grand Aelon's influence and can be easily distinguished even from afar. Nevertheless, each year, many curious trainees and adventurers lose their lives to the Grand Aelon. Let me take this opportunity to remind you once again that you absolutely should not approach Aelon's Sanctuary. On that cheery note, that about wraps up today's lecture. Trainees, I hope you will apply yourselves to your magical studies. I'll see you next time.