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Throne and Liberty Purelight Tower History Tome

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History of the Purelight Tower By Bella Dains May the Lightbringers bless the great Sion Tegeroth. The Purelight Tower continues to exert all its efforts to purify this land in accordance with the will of the great Sion Tegeroth. This is my effort to summarize that history here for future students. The Era of Learning In this era, when all the world's races joined forces to drive off the giants trampling the earth, humans could only suffer and be sacrificed in ignorance. The wise, beautiful elves transferred their magic to humans in the spirit of devotion and sympathy from the World Tree. The ones known as Sororiel, Gariens, Eridion, and Elir passed on the magic of earth, fire, water, and wind respectively to the humans. Thanks to their teachings, humanity boldly succeeded in defeating the evil giants.

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The Era of Rage But then came the foolish orcs. These proud, hostile people trampled over the giants' corpses and tried to take this world for themselves. The cowardly dwarves hid, while the noble elves expelled the orcs with the help of the humans. But the humans, prone to both the strengths and weaknesses of all the other races, learned not only the elves' wisdom but also the orcs' belligerence and the dwarves' greed. The Era of Darkness It was none other than our human compatriots who attacked the elves at the heart of the continent after the orcs had been driven away. Those fascinated by destructive magic in particular called themselves the Eye of Salvation and insisted that humans no longer need serve the elves. Corrupted by the power of destruction, they intended to expel the elves and take control of the entire continent. The one ray of hope was none other than Sion Tegeroth and his comrades who followed the Lightbringer.

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The Era of Regret Sion Tegeroth, who followed the Lightbringer and only used magic honorably, insisted on peace with the elves. Eventually, the foolish humans realized that they must follow his teachings to avoid mutual destruction. Sadly, however, the elves had lost too much and refused to accept the offered apologies, deciding instead to leave this land. The Era of Remorse Sion Tegeroth founded the Lightbringer Society to follow and study the Lightbringer so that humanity would no longer be led astray. He taught them that light was the only way for them to avoid self-destruction and that this light could be brought into being from human hearts. Many young scholars followed his teachings, and societies with other beliefs ultimately recognized that the answer could be found in light and healing. That was how Venelux, which means "to bring light to the world," was founded.

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The Advent of Destruction Archwizard Hale Verpheus, founder of Venelux, led the way in heralding the light and casting out darkness. But the Shadowmancers of the Eye of Salvation, who valued only great power even if it brought their own destruction, wished for the downfall of Venelux. On the day when Hale Verpheus breathed his last and all of Venelux had gathered to commemorate him, there was a horrible massacre at the site of the funeral. Desire for Purification The Shadowmancers' efforts were finally halted thanks to the power of countless Venelux Wizards, but the aftereffects of their dark magic was unstoppable. Northern Laslan was reduced to ash by that magic and became a land of undead where no life could survive. Worst of all was the land of the mitrans, formerly filled with green hills, in the center. Some Wizards who had witnessed the wailing Grand Aelon in that contaminated land vowed never to return to Venelux until the area had been fully purified. Our Purelight Tower was built on precisely that spot.

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Endless Oath The first Council of the Purelight Tower purified the huge Manastone used by the enemy to make it the heart of the Purelight Tower. Their efforts to purify the land continues even now, thanks to that stone's power. Even if the complete purification of this land, where not a blade of grass survived, takes centuries, we wizards of the Purelight Tower will never abandon our duty. We will carry out the will of the great Sion Tegeroth and protect the light within us.