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Throne and Liberty The Happiest Day Ever

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Mom, it was such a fun day today! When I woke up, I fell and I didn't know what happened, but I soon remembered that I went to bed yesterday in rabbit form. The morphing magic I learned yesterday was so fun. Rabbits are the best! I was so nimble and light, I could run forever! When I tried to come back to my human form, I couldn't do it at first. But I focused harder and harder, and I finally did it. I was so proud of myself. After breakfast, I morphed into a bird and flew around. I felt the wind brushing against my feathers, and it was wonderful looking down at everything from up above. I even helped a kitty stuck on the branch of a tree.

I had to go back to my human form to go home, and it was so sad to leave behind my new animal friends. But knowing I could morph anytime I want made me feel special. When I grow up, I'll explore the world through the eyes of the animals. Then I'll write a book about it so everyone can know what it's like. Cheer me on from the heavens, okay, Mom?