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Throne and Liberty Venelux's 227th Graduation Ceremony Address

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Greetings, mages of the Purelight Tower! This is the Kastleton Gadget you've been waiting for! Today, we're bringing you a recap of Venelux's 277th graduation ceremony, which took place just yesterday, and the most talked-about topic of all: Janice Cartair's Congratulatory Speech. When Archmage Janice Cartair stepped up to the podium at Venelux's graduation ceremony, it was quite an unexpected sight. Then she introduced herself, and the graduates, parents, and even some new professors who were seeing her face for the first time let out a gasp. "What's going on? I just came to see an old friend, and here I am." I don't think she knew she was going to be the commencement speaker, either. According to reliable sources, Janice was asked by the president, Professor Therianne Port, to speak at the last minute on graduation day. It's no secret that the two prominent mages are best friends!

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Now, allow me to reveal the full text of Janice Cartair's graduation address speech! - Venelux 277th graduation ceremony speech full text - "While thinking about what to say up here, I looked back on my past. Intelligence, excellence, grit... These were the words that people used to evaluate me during my time in Venelux. Well, I suppose my professors may think differently in that regard. I'm sure those of you who passed Venelux's strict graduation standards are much the same way I was. But even after graduating and becoming a trainee professor a few years later, I still felt like I was about as useless as a Harvester. But why? It was because that whole time, I hadn't made any of my own choices. I passively lived the life I was given, but I was still not a version of me who could seize opportunities and really live."

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"What I was really interested in was investigating all those unexplained deaths, repeated disappearances, and the strange traces of magic left behind. But there was a problem. I couldn't stay in the safety and familiarity of Venelux if I wanted to get to the bottom of that mystery. Some days, I felt so helpless. I had so much unfinished business and no ability to resolve it. It was almost unbearable. I locked myself in my room for days on end and confronted the issues that were eating away at me. Up until that point, I believed that what I wanted and what I thought were important. That alone isn't enough, though. You have to take action for yourself. When I realized that, I made my own choice. I left Venelux, giving up so much in the process. Since then, I've been wandering the world, studying and learning. Where I can, I try to stop magical imbalances, chaos, and catastrophes in my own way."

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"That's really all I wanted to say today. The only thing I want you to remember from my talk is that thought without action doesn't do anything. Lend your ear to what your mind is really saying. When that realization comes, pay attention to the decision that lies before you. Make the right choice. If you have the freedom to do so, consider this: your talent is only meaningful when you use it to enrich the lives of your friends, colleagues, and neighbors. If the choices you make contribute to correcting imbalances and injustices in the world you live in, there is nothing more you can ask for in life. I'll close here before I put everyone to sleep. Congratulations on your graduation."

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What an amazing address from the incomparable Janice Cartair! The excited audience broke into thunderous applause after she finished. Even Venelux's Chancellor Therianne was near tears! One graduate said during an interview post-ceremony that the event was all the more meaningful for Janice Cartair having graced us with her presence. Another new grad said: "I've always admired Janice Cartair, but I like her even more for keeping her speech short." A staff member alluded to Cartair's deep ties with the institution by expressing a desire to hear her son Clay speak next time as well! And so closed Venelux's 277th graduation ceremony with pomp and circumstance! We'd like to extend our thanks to the Purelight Tower Mage Society for traveling all the way to Kastleton to request coverage of the event. This has been your Kastleton Gazette briefing. We'll see you next time with another fantastic feature. Have a great day!