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Throne and Liberty A Returned Letter

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My beloved Natalia, I tried to write you a number of times, but all my letters were returned. I've heard news that they set up a barrier around Talandre because of a monster named Deluzhnoa, and they can't deliver anything to that area. I would have never sent you away if I knew something like this was going to happen. I hope you're okay, Natalia. I believe in you. It's been a while since you left for Talandre. Forgive me, but I needed some time to think for myself. You said you were willing to settle down here with me forever, that you were ready to quit the life of an adventurer. I was so happy to hear that, but I was also afraid.

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I was afraid because you're a natural born adventurer. Do you know how your eyes sparkle when you talk about going off on some grand journey? I was afraid that settling down with me might kill that spark in you. What if you become miserable, trapped in one place with me? That's why I let you go. But I regret it now. I realize that I was arrogant to think I'd be okay without you. I only realized just how much I loved you and needed you after you left me. And my love for you is growing stronger every day. Our happy memories are the only things that keep me going nowadays. Natalia, I've finally made up my mind. I know what I have to do. I'm going to be an adventurer, too. I'll travel around the world with you. It's my turn to stand up and express my love.

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I sold all my things and tied up the loose ends of my old life. I'm ready to leave for Talandre to find you. I'll go to Wind Island and wait until they lift the barrier, or maybe I can talk the guards into letting me pass through. Natalia, I hope I'm not too late. I have so much to tell you. I hope someday soon I can share with you everything that's in my heart. I pray this letter reaches you in time. Love, Miles. ("Return to Sender: Undeliverable Area" is written on the back of the letter.)