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Throne and Liberty Fonos Basin Patrol Cooperation Request

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The Laslan Northwest Guard requests your cooperation for patrol activities in Fonos Basin. A group of Akidu orcs have appeared on the northwest slope of the Fonos Basin, coming into conflict with the Fonos clan. This area was heavily guarded by the Fonos clan, making it difficult for other clans to approach. But as the Akidu orcs appeared one after another, the surveillance teams noticed some disturbing instances. In particular, young Fonos orcs are continuously going missing on the northwest slope, and the Fonos soldiers dispatched to find them are also going missing. As Akidu orcs are known to use dark magic, it is urgent we find out the purpose of their sudden appearance as soon as possible and find the whereabouts of the missing Fonos orcs.

The Laslan Guard needs to dispatch an elite search party to track down the missing orcs. They should also order a general evacuation of the mountainous area. This will minimize the harm to civilians caused by the orc conflict. In addition, if you find out the Akidu orcs' whereabouts, please inform the Northwest Guard without delay. - Laslan Northwest Guard Captain Alex Whitman -