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Throne and Liberty Oath Artifact Research Journal

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I've located the fourth Oath Artifact. All of the facets are revealed now. I'll sum up what I've learned. 1. Oath Artifacts and Pledge Artifacts Oath Artifacts and Pledge Artifacts operate on similar principles, but there are several key differences. For example, Guardians contained in Pledge Artifacts need a human vessel to incarnate. In contrast, wraiths contained in Oath Artifacts exist independently. They still possess the egos of their former lives and never tire or die no matter how much they fight. Who could oppose such nearly immortal beings? There are countless Pledge Artifacts, but only eight Oath Artifacts. Those who possess an Oath Artifact can master heaven and earth.

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2. Creation and History of Oath Artifacts How did Oath Artifacts come to contain such power? I'm certain the slate used in the Oath Ritual has a mysterious power. That slate is round with slots for Oath Artifacts on its edges. It's said that it shines so brilliantly purple that it blinds those who look upon it. And what about the souls contained in the Oath Artifacts? The legendary Imperator Trutizan, "Courte"... The incredible power of those eight are locked inside the Oath Artifacts. When the Third Great War ended, Trutizan had to surrender half the Oath Artifacts as the price of defeat. The Sword, Rocking Horse, Arrow, and Amethyst... those four Oath Artifacts became the property of Solisium. The Resistance learned of their existence afterward and seems to have attempted to track them down, but they were too late. Three of the Oath Artifacts were already in the hands of Reville Lupius. The location of the fourth is known, and I, Labeed, will offer that last Oath Artifact to my Lord myself and enjoy eternal wealth and honor!

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3. Wraith's Resurrection Even if the Resistance gets its hands on the Oath Artifact, they don't know how to resurrect the wraith. Wraiths choose their own master. They only respond to those whose desires match their own most powerful wishes in their former lives! It's useless for anyone not chosen. No matter how much they try to awaken an Oath Artifact. The wraith Tevent Kuhul serves as an example. His desire for magic power was so great that not even the wizard Greedal could awaken the wraith. And the amethyst hanging on Calanthia's neck... The wraith Tevent is still contained within it. The remains locked in here are mere fragments of Tevent's soul buried in the wizard Greedal's remains. But perhaps this alone is sufficient to exterminate the Resistance wizards... If I can just lure the Resistance to this temple... Tevent will awaken to swallow all their magic power. All has now been prepared. May it all come to be according to Reville Lupius's wishes!