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Throne and Liberty The Tragedy of Turayne Village

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There is a ruin reeking of death and corruption in the northwestern part of Laslan. This place is called the Ruins of Turayne, and it is filled with flesh-eating zombies. This ruin of death was once called Turayne Village, and it was a home for many simple, hardworking people. This place was also once the preeminent trading city for magic items. It was a place where many wizards visited to trade their Magic Tools or to find rare magical tomes. But what ultimately doomed this busy town was the war between two opposing wizard factions.

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The war was between the Sylavean Order and the Lightbringer Society. The Sylavean Order believed that magic was for conquering and ensuring victory at all costs. The Lightbringer Society focused more on stability and discipline. These two factions have been competing against each other for a long time. When the Lightbringer Society became the dominant faction, the Eye of Salvation Academy changed its name to the Sylavean Order and began to conspire against the Lightbringer Society from the shadows. The Sylavean Order then allied with the Akidu clan, who sent the Order a very powerful weapon as a gift to strengthen their alliance.

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The weapon that the Akidu clan sent was the body of Adentus, who used to be the second Chief Priest and the right-hand of Akidu. One day, Adentus had a dream of himself holding the Star of Sylaveth. He thought this dream was a prophecy, and when Akidu was beset by enemies in a battle, Adentus saw it as his chance. He began a coup, but Akidu's dark magic was far superior to his. Adentus morphed into a giant right before being executed, but it was to no avail. He was killed by Akidu. The gigantic corpse that Adentus left behind was sent to the Sylavean Order, where Shadowmancers planned to resurrect it with dark magic to attack the Lightbringer Society.

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The Sylavean Order moved Adentus's body to Turayne Village, where the memorial ceremony for Hale Verpheus was held. They wanted the Manastones that were located in the village. The Manastones in the village have been there for a long time. They were being used as streetlights with the help of the schemas drawn on them. What the villagers didn't know was that these Manastones were actually fragments of the Star of Sylaveth. The Sylavean Order planned to use them to bomb the Temple of Light. Once the requiem for Verpheus began, the Shadowmancers resurrected Adentus as a zombie. Adentus wreaked havoc on the village, providing cover for the Shadowmancers to siphon the magic needed for their plan.

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The village fell into chaos. People who were drained of their magic fell to the ground, and those who tried to flee were beaten to death by Adentus. The magic that leaked from Adentus turned people into zombies, corpses capable only of acting on their cravings and instincts. Thus, the war of the wizards raged on. Turayne Village, once a bustling and vibrant trading hub of magical artifacts, became a ruin filled with zombies. After the war, wizards built the Purelight Tower to reconstruct the town, but despite their efforts, the reconstruction will be a long time coming. - Arintal, Historian, A.N 1162