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Throne and Liberty A Hunter's Note

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Phew, how many notebooks have there been now? I have to finish this one without losing it. Is there something wrong with me? I mean, it seems like I lose a notebook every time I drink. I can't even count how many I've lost... May Einar's blessing be with me so that I don't lose this one! Before I forget, I'll list what I have to do if I win the Hunting Contest. Um... First, buy Mother a house. She'd appreciate it if her house was a little bigger.

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Now it's too small... I'd also better get Shurr some new equipment. He's always complaining that his sword is too dull. When I catch 100 Wolves and win, I'll buy him a new sword and armor! It'll be me, Yorndal, who wins the Wolf Hunting Contest! They said the winner will meet with Lord Hobs, and I can't be rude to him. I'd better learn how to greet him respectfully. It seems that I'll be busier than I thought.

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Argh... The wolves were too strong... They came running all at once. And here I've been training to only catch one at a time. Is it because they smelled the bait? Why do they swarm like that? I deeply regret staying at the Deerhorn Inn. Who said that success in the Hunting Contest will come to those who touch the decorative wolf nose over the brazier? That was all a lie! Just wait till I get my hands on that guy! Let me at him!

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What can I do? My pants are torn to shreds from all the bites and scratches! Sure, I received a participation reward, but it wasn't very much. I've spent all my money... How can I look Mother in the eye now? I'm so sorry, Mother. I just can't return empty-handed like this. Tomorrow, I'll go to Kastleton Market and find a job or something. Argh, what should I do...?

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That Turam! How dare you laugh at me? Who taught you to shoot arrows when you were just a sniveler scribbling on the floor? And now you forget about it and mock me! I must look ridiculous now, doing odd jobs at the Deerhorn Inn. You underestimated me! Didn't I say I'd enter the Hunting Contest? And I'll absolutely, definitely defeat you. Just you wait! I even bought all the right books.

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Hunting Skills, The Rules of Hunting, Hunting Before Love, Courage in the Name of Hunting, A Beginner Hunter's Success Story, Hunting the Easy Way, The Wolf Hunting Contest Milestone. I'll read them all and make sure I'm ready! Just wait a little longer, you sniveler! I'll pierce that stuck-up nose with an arrow! Down! With! Turam! Down! With! Turam!

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So the Wolf Hunting Contest is in honor of Henry, who fought Iskale so bravely. I'd heard that story before, but it feels different to read about it in a book. Oh, Lord Hobs... What a sad tale. Is... Is... Is my father well? I miss you, Father!

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Don't worry, Mother and Shurr. I'm not a great hunter like Father, but I'll do my best with the bow I've inherited. Please watch over me. I'll have my revenge on that sniveling Turam! Down! With! Turam!

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Mother! Mother! Your son did it! Shurr, your big brother got third place! Hahaha! That Turam got plenty of Wolf Tails. But I took everything he had and got third place. I told you I'm good at fighting one guy at a time!

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But it's too bad. I would have gotten first place if I'd caught a few more. Shall I try again? Or not? Oh, I can't decide. How about it? I'll have a drink today and think it over again tomorrow!