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Throne and Liberty An Unsent Letter

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Dear Dylan, My old friend Olson died last night in the embrace of the sea. His son, who had long since left home, returned for the funeral. They never got along. It's a shame they didn't get to talk about all the things they had bottled up over the years. I haven't been a very good father, either. When you told me you were joining the Resistance, I was vehemently against it. It wasn't because I didn't trust you, though. I was just afraid. I wonder if our relationship would have been different if I had only been honest with you. I've been a dockworker all my life, but there was a time when I also fought for freedom. The traitorous Reville, may he rot, was a monster who terrorized all of Solisium. Lord Hobs and we, the people of Kastleton, held our own against the Arkeum Legion. The odds were against us, but we held the line. After all, we knew we were going to die either way.

But as if by miracle, Captain DaVinci's forces arrived and together we were able to save Laslan. The cheer that rose up after that incredible victory... I can still hear it. You were just a baby, then. I don't know if you remember the great roar the people let out that day. Dylan, I know that your passion and dedication to the mission will save many lives, just as Captain DaVinci saved us. I don't know if I've ever said this out loud, but you are my pride and joy, my son. There's never been a moment when I haven't been proud of you. No matter where you are, no matter what choices you make, I'll always have your back. And one day I hope to be able to tell you this in person. Take care of yourself. Sincerely, Cooper.