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Throne and Liberty Helpie's Letter

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To my dear friend Diana, who is as brilliant as the stars, Thanks to the clear skies, the stars in the night sky are shining brighter than ever! Are the stars shining where you are, too? You always used to cry so much that your tears left my shirt all wet. I worry that you'll be lonely in the sky without me. I still remember your warmth. Every moment of our first meeting... How I felt when our eyes met... The hug you gave me... I remember it all. I was so happy to be your friend, Diana. Your sewing definitely could have used some work... But if Gale could put up with your messy needlework, I suppose I can, too. ... Mostly, at least!

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Although our time together was short, our days together are unforgettable. What I miss the most is the way we used to lie in the shade of Whisperion, just talking. You always liked telling me about the child you met at the chapel. You couldn't emphasize enough how kind that child was, and how they helped Elder Yann care for the other children. Just remembering always made you smile. You promised to grow up quickly, so that the two of you could work together to punish the bad guys bullying Whisperion. You kept saying it until the very day you became a star in the night sky. "Helpie, protect Whisperion, even if I die." Those were your last words before you left me.

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Diana, there's a huge empty place inside me without you. Maybe that's why the power you left within me is beginning to grow weaker. Because you hadn't learned magic properly, your Magic Schema began to fade as soon as you vanished. But I wanted to keep my promise to you. I said I'd protect Whisperion! So I held onto my fading powers and headed to Whisperion as soon as I could. I was falling into a deep slumber, but I still wanted to help. When I thought I'd lost all your power, I became afraid I would never see the light again. But just then, when I thought everything was lost, I found that I had the strength to move. Still, I couldn't bring myself to feel happy.

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When I awoke, Whisp Island was burning in scorching flames! It seemed like Whisperion lent me the power of the Star Fragment in order to protect itself. I didn't know what to do. I could only hover around Whisperion, restless. I could only hope for the Star Child to come. I prayed that they'd hear me and come to help Whisperion. When my hope had almost faded, I beheld a miraculous sight! I finally got to meet the Star Child you always talked about! My heart almost burst from joy. The Star Child I'd prayed for had come! I wanted to climb into Whisperion's branches and dance with them there, but I kept my composure. We still had to save Whisperion!

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The child was incredible, just like you always said. They thrust their hands up, glowing violet, and defeated King Verte with a single blow! But unfortunately, the child seemed overwhelmed by the rampant Astral Force. Just like you had, Diana... In order to stabilize the Astral Force, we left Whisp Island and came to Laslan. The child seemed quite nervous about leaving the island for the first time. But don't worry! They're doing extremely well. I would like stay beside that child and support them. The further I am from Whisperion, the heavier my body feels. It looks like we have to part ways here. But that's okay!

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When I think about how the child overcame the challenges that faced them, I know they'll have no problem handling whatever the future might bring. Diana, I'm missing you more than usual because your birthday is coming up. Whenever I feel this way, I look up at the night sky, at the whole sea of stars. When I find the brightest one of all, I can still feel your warmth. I'm sure that you're still beside me. That warmth feels so very familiar. I'll let the winds carry my letters to you, and I'll hope you know how much I miss you. Maybe one day, the wind can carry me up to where you are, too. I hope I'll see you again someday. Until then, I'll imagine you up there in the night sky. - Your friend forever, Helpie