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Throne and Liberty Henry's Letter

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Dear Father, How have you been? This is your son, Henry. I had so much energy today, and I felt very well indeed. Not ill in the slightest. I had a hearty meal and took a stroll with Nanny Melanie. I'm training as hard as I'm able to improve my swordsmanship. I'm growing stronger and stronger, and I hope to one day be known as the strongest knight in all of Solisium! I look forward to seeing you soon. I love you, Father, and I miss our conversations. Yours, Henry Kastler.

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(P.S.) Here's a picture I drew.

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Dear Father, It's me, Henry. Are you surprised to receive a letter from me? A Venelux wizard came to the Purelight Tower and is researching a new schema to send letters via magic. He explained the principle of it for several hours, but honestly, it was too complex to understand. Anyway, if the magic works, this letter should reach the Lord's Residence in Kastleton immediately after I finish writing it. The wizard says there's no schema designed for replies yet, so please tell me later if the letter really did reach you and when. I'm doing well out here. The healers are looking after me with great care and my chronic cough stopped just a few days after I arrived. There are many fascinating magical devices in the Purelight Tower. It's always as warm as spring in my quarters, even during the winter. The healers say I'd better keep indoors here during the winter since I still have a fever... but I don't feel sick at all. I just want to go home.

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I still train every day while I'm here, and I study, too. And it's just like you said, Father! There are endless piles of books at the Purelight Tower! The mage trainees are very kind and explain anything I don't understand. It is rumored that there are even more books in Venelux than here. A trainee told me stories about his travels across Solisium. There's a desert filled with demons and a forest where the elves used to live. Did you know that, Father? This world must be enormous, much bigger than I thought. Although Kastleton will always be my home, I want to go on adventures and have all sorts of new experiences. Maybe then I'll grow stronger and can become a great lord like you are. Do you remember, when I was young, how I used to dream of the divine beast Hamel sometimes when I had a fever? You said to me, "Hamel only appears to those who will become lords. Perhaps now you'll even be a legendary hero when you grow up." I bet you were joking, but your words really encouraged me back then.

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Father, I'm sorry to disappoint you by being ill so often. I don't think I'm the sort of person who can become a hero. But I'll try to become a lord whom people trust and will follow, just as you said. They're holding the Sunset Firework Festival in Kastleton next week, aren't they? I'll make wishes with the wizards here and light fireworks. I plan to wish that I'll get well soon so I can return to Kastleton. Next year, I'll grow bigger and stronger, and I'll become a son you can be proud of. I hope this letter reaches you. The wizard told me several times that there wouldn't be any problems with sending them. I think this is as good a place as any to stop writing. I hope you're well, Father. With love and respect, your son, Henry.