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Throne and Liberty Heroes of Kastleton

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Kastler Gazette Special Edition - Top Five Kastleton Heroes Greetings, Kastleton! Welcome to another edition of the one and only Kastler Gazette! Today, we'll be ranking the most popular heroes from our very own Kastleton! These five names are truly the cream of the crop and the result of an extensive oral survey conducted over two months, focusing on residents in the Lord's Residence, Deerhorn Inn, and Kastleton Central Plaza. Without further ado, here are the results! Number Five DaVinci Aron, respected commander of the Laslan Allied Resistance Forces! Captain DaVinci takes spot number five with 110 votes. Although he wasn't born here in Kastleton, this is where the Resistance was founded! DaVinci's work has been so remarkable that the locals have claimed him for their own. Could he have ranked even higher on this list if he was a native? Hard to say!

Captain DaVinci has supporters of all ages, genders, and backgrounds! Here are some comments from those who voted for him. - "You can't leave Captain DaVinci out of any list of modern heroes." (A, a citizen) - "I'll never forget that time he saved me when I was a kid." (R, a Wizard) - "If it weren't for him, I bet Kastleton wouldn't even exist right now." (H, identity unknown) Seems like a lot of people trust and respect this guy! I hope he keeps up the good work for our sake!

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Number Four Fourth by way of three! This hero earned their spot by being part of the Terrific Trio. Robert, the son of the Miler Shop known to all Kastleton hunters, comes in at number four with 112 votes, just barely squeaking head of Captain DaVinci! Miss Rosy, who conducted the survey, said Robert was especially popular among the young women! Last year, we were only able to speak to Robert's family, but thanks to a Nesting Grounds source, we were able to get a brief statement from the man himself! "Thank you to all the Kastleton residents who voted for me. And I'll never forget the support of all the young ladies who picked me, even if my heart can't settle on just one of them." Quite the cheesy line... But very on brand for this, uh, particular hero!

Here are a few more opinions! - "He's shown promise from a very young age. And he's turned out as handsome as his father." (M, a citizen) - "Whenever he drops by the Inn, I hear the most incredible stories. He's really something." (B, anonymous) - "I'm certain he'd be thought of more highly if he only kept his mouth shut." (S, of the Resistance) Ah... That last comment is rather strange for someone who voted for Robert. Anyway, I hope Robert goes on to become a hero of Solisium as well as Kastleton!

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Number Three The former Watch Captain of Starlight Observatory and now the Watcher of Urstella Fields... it's the One-Eyed Hawk, Henson Pillard! Even after stepping down from his post as Watch Captain, he's still the most popular person in the Resistance! Resistance soldiers stationed in Kastleton voted for him in especially high numbers, and some even tried to vote multiple times as they came and went on their patrols! Nice try! Henson got 154 legitimate votes, to net himself the number three slot! When asked for a comment, he kicked us... Er, he firmly declined.

Here's what voters had to say about Henson. - "I'm sure he'd hate this useless popularity contest, but if I really have to vote..." (R, anonymous) - "My cousin told me I had to vote for him! No other human speaks goblin so well." (M, from a Trust Union) - "I've respected him for quite a while. I'd love to be a part of his squad someday." (A, of the Resistance) Henson Pillard is truly a man who commands great respect! We'll do our best to get an interview with him someday! Just wait!

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Number Two Sophia of the Resistance, who usually occupies this spot, took herself out of the running after being selected three times in a row. Respecting her wishes, second place goes to our well-known neighbor, Herbalist Wilson Hinman! Perhaps his selection is because the Laslan Lord's Residence will hold its "Heroes Among Us" campaign this month? Regardless of the reason, Wilson is the runner up with 183 votes! It seems the public has grown interested in heroes looking out for our health and well-being, as news has spread far and wide about the epidemic in another town. No matter what dangers may lurk, we trust that our devoted, cool-headed Wilson Hinman will always protect us!

Here's what voters had to say about Wilson. - "I'll never forget how kindly Wilson treated me when I called on him in the middle of the night with a stomachache." (C, a citizen) - "If you can't find it in yourself to respect Wilson, then could you respect anybody at all? I'll always be grateful to him." (O, anonymous) - "I'm always in awe of Wilson. Collecting herbs and helping people at their worst... May he be healthy for years to come!" (N, an anonymous merchant) I, too, remember visiting Wilson when I had a cold. Everyone in Kastleton owes him their lives! He deserves his sterling reputation!

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And the moment you've all been waiting for! First Place! No surprise here, as this person is always selected when "Heroes Among Us" returns. And that would be Henry Kastler, dearly departed but always in our hearts! Could we have a moment of silence for the boy who saved several lives before he was even old enough to join the Resistance? The one who sacrificed himself fighting the terrible Wolf King Iskale? In first place with 308 votes, here's what Lord Hobs had to say about Henry Kastler. "I'm just thankful that everyone still remembers my son, even though he has been gone for a decade now. We plan to hold the Wolf Hunting Contest several times this year in his honor, so I hope all those who have the opportunity will participate and do their utmost to protect our town."

We would like to add that there's a generous reward for the top finisher in the Wolf Hunting Contest, so we hope to see many talented individuals participate this year! It should also be mentioned that the Kastler Gazette would cease to exist without the generous, continued support of the Lord's cultural department. We are extremely grateful for all that they do. And on that note, Kastler Gazette will sign off for this issue! We'll have another special edition for you to look forward to next time. Goodbye!