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January 10th, 1185 Reville Lupius has finally shown his fangs and now revels in slaughter, like some blood-starved beast. Queen Agoedian, who ignored my warnings, was brutally killed. Sir Arenst, Sir Tristan, and all the loyal vassals who guarded the former king were falsely accused as the queen's assassins and put to death. According to those who fled Solisium Castle, executions continue to be carried out daily, and the prisons are filled with screams of the tortured. They say the terror-stricken residents have all abandoned the city, leaving the streets to the wild dogs and ravens attracted by the smell of blood. Reville's plans have been in motion since the year prior when he had the Guard Captain removed and the Guard itself disbanded, replacing them with his own personal guard known as the Arkeum. The Lords of Solisium, who were loyal companions of the former king, are certain to be his next assassination targets. We must send out messengers and prepare for Reville's next attack as soon as possible. As I draw the sword given to me by King Hortis long ago, I am reminded of the old days when he raced through the continent with his brave companions. It is to my great shame that I, who pledged a blood oath to the king, was unable to prevent this dire situation... After this life, when I face him in the next world, it will be with shame.

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February 13th, 1185 The herald of Arkeum came to deliver Reville's letter. They haughtily demanded loyalty and obedience to Reville Lupius, the new Emperor of Solisium, demanding a gift of 1,000 Wolf Hides, 500 Deer Horns, and 1,000 Urstella Stars. My enraged little brother Chris and Dave, that loyal soul, drew their swords. I calmed them and then firmly said, "Arkeum messengers, give Reville this reply! The moment you enacted your foul plan to slaughter the family of King Hortis, our patience gave way to a burning desire for revenge! If you dogs of Reville ever set foot inside this manor again, we'll slit your throats and throw you to the wolves!" They quickly mounted their horses and departed, and a meeting of the Elders was called at once. There was fierce debate between those who insisted on avoiding war and those who asserted the need to fight honorably. Watching this clash, I resolutely cried out, "I, Hobs Kastler, declare with all my heart that an honorable death holds more value than a life of subservience! There shall be no compromise with the demons!"

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May 20th, 1185 At daybreak, the invasion of Reville's legions was announced with an enormous tremor to the north of the Ruins of Turayne. Tens of thousands of Arkeum Legion soldiers swarmed in. The northern defensive line fell in a matter of moments, but our courageous Laslan Wizards attempted a counterattack by creating a defensive circle. Perhaps one hour later, a young girl called Calanthia abruptly strode out of the Arkeum camp. The wizards and soldiers immediately ceased their assault at the sight of this girl. She raised her head and clenched her fist. As one, those countless soldiers and wizards perished painfully in flames. Archers let fly their arrows, but all stopped and fell to the ground before the girl. The archers then turned their bows on each other instead. That was only the beginning of Calanthia's one-sided massacre. She resurrected corpses all throughout Turayne. Dead villagers, soldiers, and even stray dogs rose again to attack their own allies. Half of our Laslan forces were annihilated before noon. Even the Purelight Tower fell into their hands. Oh, Einar! Please grant us the wisdom and strength to stop that witch!

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August 10th, 1185 In the evening, when the battle had briefly paused, I looked down from a hill on the innumerable fallen soldiers of Laslan, and I grieved them as a warrior. May Einar's blessing be upon them, and may all their souls ascend! I have never seen more excellent warriors than they. They aided me untiringly as we conquered this territory for King Hortis. But the King's loving care for them has become their downfall. Laslan! You have lost so many warriors today in this cruel battle! Their deaths were my fault. I could neither protect nor save them. Holy Einar, who forgives no evil, will surely help us. I can never betray their trust! If our enemies don't slay me, this unendurable pain certainly will. From here, there is no retreat. I will steel myself for the final battle. If need be, I am prepared to die.

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December 9th, 1186 When I had nothing left to lose and nowhere left to run, the last battle finally took place. Just as I was ready to accept an honorable death, Einar extended his hand to me. Dozens of knights, their names unknown, charged like lions through the enemy lines and crushed the Arkeum Legion, opening an escape route for us. Taking advantage of the chaos, we rode desperately to safety while they escorted us from the rear towards a waiting warship on the coast. They turned out to be soldiers and mercenaries opposing Arkeum, with Solisium's navy at their core. A burly man who appeared to be their leader addressed us. "We can no longer stand idly by and watch innocent people be slaughtered because of Reville's lust for conquest. Join forces with us to drive them back!" As I listened to him, I felt hope for the first time since the war began. His many followers called him Captain DaVinci.