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Throne and Liberty Journal of a Laslan Farmer

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May 20th, 1189 Prayer for a Good Harvest Oh, great earth, our father! Ruler of the land, glorious Mafrion, please give us your blessings. May the land be ever more fertile. May the grain grow tall and strong. May the soil offer us bounteous crops. May a million rye flowers bloom. May dazzling fields of wheat stand tall. Abundance across the entire land. Oh, blessed soil! May you grant us plentiful food! May the glorious rye grow heavy and ripe! May the crops be abundant enough to share with everyone. Oh, ruler of the land, Mafrion! May you give us your blessings!

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May 20th, 1190 Song of the Bumblebee Oh, ruler of the earth, Mafrion. May the buzzing bees come and bless us. May they return to where they belong, with the blessing and protection of your great power. Oh, honeybees! Please return to your homes. Do not flee in fear of wasps. Please do not scatter away. Do not run from your homes, but have faith in us and settle where you belong, protected by Mafrion's great will.

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July 15th, 1190 We were all worried because the drought wasn't getting any better, but the sweet sound of thunder finally brought rain to the land. I'm certain that Mafrion, ruler of the earth, listened to my prayers. The lord's wizards finally visited. They promised that they'll send more Harvesters to chase away the birds once the rain has stopped. I really hope the harvest will be a good one this year...

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August 30th, 1190 Terrible things began to happen after the rains. The rye withered up for no reason, and there were pests that we'd never seen before. Ten days ago, we were attacked by giant insects. Five farmers were severely wounded. The lord's wizards were urgently dispatched to the village, and they chased away the pests. They set up a magic circle that prevented the pests from entering the village, but I still feel uneasy. The Harvesters that were made to fight off birds or intruders in the rye fields are battling the giant Scarabs, but I hear rumors that they attack the farmers occasionally, too. Oh, Mafrion, ruler of the earth. Please protect us from this evil!

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October 12th, 1190 I buried my loyal hunting dogs Leo and Arthur today in my front yard. They died while bravely fighting the giant Scarabs that attacked my youngest son. The adventurer who saved my son told me everything that had occurred. I have no reason to stay in this land anymore. The rye fields are filled with dangerous monsters that run rampant. We are beset by giant wasps capable of gobbling up beehives whole. The crops don't grow as well as they used to. It's time to leave this place and find new a new life elsewhere. I'm going to pack my bags and head up north when the sun rises.