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Throne and Liberty Lover's Letter

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My beloved Demi, I wonder what you're doing right now? Perhaps you're braiding your hair, your eyelids growing heavy. Or perhaps just taking a nap? Before the birds even begin to chirp in the morning, I'm already awake, excited at the thought of seeing you. I took a walk to the Plains of Hamel early this morning and found the perfect spot for a picnic. It's a small island in the middle of the lake, that place you were curious about earlier. I heard they recently finished building the bridge to cross over to the island, so we'll be able to get there without getting our feet wet! The dwarves truly are skilled. There's a small tree growing there, and I'm sitting next to it as I write you this letter. I don't have anything special to say, but I'm happy that I'm able to write to you at all. I can't wait to show you this place. It's hard to believe that these peaceful plains used to be swarming with dangerous wolves... But now, it's like a paradise filled with small animals and deer.

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I have a feeling we'll be coming to this lake quite often in the future, Demi. The two of us and, maybe, even our future children. No matter how much time passes, I hope that everything remains the same for us. I know I said this to you a few days ago, but don't worry too much about the rumors from the north. There's no way the war will come all the way to Laslan. Even if it does, I'll risk my life to protect you! I should hide this letter once I'm done writing it. If you can't find it, I'm going to act like I chanced upon it. I can't wait to see the smile on your face when you see it. It's time for me to head to town to meet you. I should hurry so that I won't be late. My beloved Demi! I'm so excited to see you. Love, Elliot