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Throne and Liberty The Resistance Combat Manual

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Resistance Combat Manual Written by William Bowman The necessity for the production of this manual is as follows. It has been recognized that improving the abilities of the Resistance to combat the Arkeum threat is an urgent task. Thus, the need has increased for manuals that provide a practical foundation of battle theory. Therefore, I, Weapons Master William Bowman, have written and compiled this "Resistance Combat Manual". It is recommended for every member of the Resistance to read this manual so that each individual's capabilities can be improved. This manual is to be distributed at each dominion's main base. Before diving into the theory of each weapon, it's important to define the concepts of time, perception, distance, and situation in combat. Time: The amount of time it takes to perform an action or how long it lasts. This includes how fast you react to an action and the right time to do it.

Time in combat is the time you spend moving with your hands, feet, and equipment, and the most strategic sequences of movements are presented in this book. Distance: The distance between you and your enemy, also known as spacing. Distance in combat is affected by the reach of your weapon, the length of your weapon, and the length of your body. Finding the optimal distance between you and your enemy can be the difference between victory and defeat. In this book, the basic distance is defined as the distance between you and your opponent plus one step, which is used to describe long and short situations. Perception: The ability to quickly grasp and analyze a situation. You understand the enemy's position, strengths, weaknesses, and surroundings, and make the best judgment based on that understanding. This book will provide you with the best guidance to improve your cognitive skills faster. Situational: This refers to the various conditions you need to be aware of in combat. These include the location and environment of the battle, the status of the enemy and allies, the purpose and objectives of the battle, and the flow of victory and defeat. This book presents a variety of situations that you may encounter in the real world.

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Resistance Combat Manual (Staff) To cast an Ice Spear that can pierce an enemy, you must first prepare to use your staff with one hand and your magic with the other. After that, you'll need to pinpoint the flow of the ice element in your surroundings. The next step is to concentrate and condense the power of the ice element into your staff, which will then take the form of an ice spear. The spear should then be launched at the target within seconds.

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Resistance Combat Manual (Sword) Since the sword is used in conjunction with a shield, it is important to have a seamless transition between attack and defense. During the slashing motion, the sword should be comfortably wrapped around the handle and slashed at the enemy from top to bottom, while the shield should be positioned as close to the body as possible, ready for the enemy's counterattack. Rather than relying on the hand holding the sword, it is more effective to maximize the strength of the upper body using a stable stance to attack the enemy.

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Resistance Combat Manual (Longbow) In order for a longbow user to pull a wind bowstring, they must first gather wind elemental energy in the hand that will be pulling the string. Then, stabilize your lower body and hold the bowstring so that the force is evenly transmitted to the longbow. In order to aim accurately, you need to control your breathing and make sure that you do not overexert. The next step is to transfer the condensed wind elemental energy to the arrow and release it in a single shot.

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Resistance Combat Manual (Crossbow) In order to achieve Quick Fire with two crossbows, a stable stance is essential. To do this, I recommend that beginners start by practicing firing one shot while kneeling on the ground, followed by two shots in quick succession while standing up and placing their weight on your front knee. Once you've gotten the hang of this, the kneeling position can be skipped. Try then firing three quick shots with both crossbows alternately while standing, taking care not to let the recoil throw oneself off balance.

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Resistance Combat Manual (Wand) To use a Magic Orb, you must quickly sense your own mana and the nature's element. A beginner should start by lifting the wand above their head and practice gathering the element and mana at the tip of the wand. Afterwards, to perform an accurate and effective attack, the practitioner should take care to not drop the wand below their shoulder while firing the Magic Orb.

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Resistance Combat Manual (Greatsword) Greatswords are relatively physically demanding weapons due to their heavy and long blades. However, they generate a lot of force when they strike, which is why they can be used for techniques such as Stunning Blow. To perform a Stunning Blow, one aims their greatsword at the enemy and swing it up and down in a large upward motion to ensure that the blow is precise, effectively setting up their next attack if the enemy is stunned by the force of the blow.

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Resistance Combat Manual (Dagger) When using a dagger's Predatory Strike skill, speed and accuracy are of utmost importance. First, slightly lower the body's center of mass and use your lower body to maintain strength and balance. During this, the upper body should spin flexibly towards the direction of attack, and finally twist the hands holding the dagger to perform a quick and precise strike.