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Throne and Liberty A Wizard's Journal

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A Wizard's Journal Year OO, Date XX I'm seeing more and more suspicious people around the temple. Even Joseph, the man who delivers food and supplies to the Temple of Light, seemed worried about these people. (It is possible that he was more concerned if we - me and Deluzhnoa - were settling okay in the temple...) Anyways, I think I know who they are. My predecessor told me there have been attacks on the temple for Quietis' Heart, so they must be Shadowmancers. If this happens again, I might have to ask for support from the Society. Year OO, Date XX Me and Deluzhnoa went out for scouting.

The area was too large for just the two of us to cover, so Deluzhnoa suggested to rewrite Magic Schema of the abandoned war golems and use them for scouting. Some of her ideas are so bold, and I would have never dreamed of them in my most wildest imagination possible if it wasn't for her. Anyways, the rewriting was successful, and we revived twenty golems to sent out for scouting. If this proves to be safe, we might try to revive more golems. Year OO, Date XX Some of the golems went out for scouting were destroyed. It didn't seem like a monster's doing, and we might have to get ready for Shadowmancers. When I told Deluzhnoa that we should ask for support from the Society, she said no. She didn't want to ask for help when we didn't even know who our enemies yet. Maybe she's right. Maybe I'm being too fearful. I never met a Shadowmancer before. I'm glad Deluzhnoa is here with me. I know she will try to help me rather than laughing at me, when she sees me like this.

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Year OO, Date XX The scouting golems didn't find anything for a week. Enemies might have fled the area when they saw more golems. I suggested we increase the number of golems to a hundred, and give them more defensive abilities, and Deluzhnoa agreed. However, we'll need more time to prepare ingredients for another Magic Schema rewriting. Joseph is coming the day after tomorrow, so I'll just try to scrape some basic ingredients in the area until then. Year OO, Date XX I gave a list of required ingredients to Joseph. He seemed a bit daunted when he saw the list, but maybe it's just me. He said he would bring them next month, so I told him I would pay more if he could make it earlier than that, and he said some of the ingredients might take some time to find. I can understand that. Things like spider leg powder is easy to make for me, but a finely sewn hemp clothing is something I'll just have to wait.

Year OO, Date XX My hands are shaking, I don't know if I can write this journal. The worst has happened. They must have thought we were letting our guard down. Dozens of Shadowmancers attacked the temple, and golems couldn't do anything. Shadowmancers used our Teleport Magic Circle to get into the temple. Every spell and circles we installed became useless. I thought we were going to die. Deluzhnoa said we needed to use the Heart. I tried to... stop her, but I'm not sure if I really meant it. I didn't want to die, and the Heart had the power to stop it. Also, we couldn't let them have the Heart. I just didn't have the guts to... use the Heart. I couldn't touch it, because I was afraid the power would swallow me whole. But she was different.

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Oh god, what was I supposed to do? Deluzhnoa, with the Heart in her hands, wiped out the Shadowmancers in the blink of an eye. But... it didn't stop there. She was turning into something that was not human. When I saw her eyes, I knew she was going to kill me, too. So I ran. Oh god, why am I writing this? She has become a monster. Quietis' Heart that the Society was trying to protect, has now become a disaster. What should I do? Should I go back? Yes, I should go back. I should go back to the Society, tell them what a coward I was, and find a way to change her back to human. She has helped me so many times. Now it's my turn to help her. I only wish... I can make it.