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Throne and Liberty Daigon's Birth

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Daigons at the Island of Despair are vastly different from humans.

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There is a large shrine in Quietis's Demesne. The shrine used to be Einar's before Deluzhnoa was sealed, and it was also a court of law for criminals. A round isle near the shrine was an execution ground. Executed criminals were thrown to the river, and this was a purification ritual of Einar. The execution ground was eventually named as the Island of Despair, and Daigons crawling on the isle added a special flavor to the name.

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Daigons of the Island of Despair are a hybrid of humans and fish. These monsters look human, but have fins and gills. Their sharp teach and fish-like faces give them a monstrous appearance. To know how Daigon was born, you first have to know about the war at Quietis's Demesne. When giants roamed this land, the alliance of humans, elves, dwarves, and orcs fought five giants who wanted to rule the earth. One of the giants, Quietis, made a massive weapon weapon with his heart in it, and wielded it devastated the alliance. But in the end, the alliance won, and the weapon lost Quietis's heart.

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The broken weapon leaked its magic energy, and Quietis's foul magic spread across the land, eventually reaching the Island of Despair. Fish affected by this magic ate contaminated corpses that washed ashore, and became Daigon. Quietis's magic was evil, filled with loathing and resentment. The fish-like Daigon kept on killing, feasting on the dead bodies, and transformed into even worse abominations. When the island was filled with the monsters, an elf, Lunapas performed a ritual to neutralize them. Some Daigons hid in Quietis's Demesne to escape the ritual. These surviving Daigon lived on to fulfill Quietis's dying will: Kill, rend, and feast...