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Throne and Liberty On the Pilgrim's Way

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Three years ago... My five years old son Martin was killed by a vicious serial killer. The killer who testified that he killed my boy only for fun was executed at the Einar's shrine... My boy's death already destroyed me. When I close my eyes, I see my boy's eyes wide open in terror. When I open my eyes, I hear my boy scream for help. The pain has been plaguing me for days, and I can't bear it anymore. I'm going to walk the Pilgrim's Way to the Einar's shrine to forget the pain and rage. So that the boy can rest in peace. Would I be able to forgive him, when I reach the shrine? Einar... What should I do?

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Every step I took, I felt the loss of my boy. When I couldn't bear it anymore, I knelt and prayed to Einar. So that I could smother the accursed rage within me. So that I could forgive, as Einar has taught us. Maybe it worked. When I almost got to the end of the Pilgrim's Way, my rage was almost succumbed. Buth then, I saw his face. When I reached the Island of Despair, I saw the killer's dead body in the Water of Purification. The man seemed so peaceful. Almost as if he was absolved of his horrible countless sins. That's when my succumbed rage reignited. I don't care if Einar has judged him. He cannot be forgiven. Not even a god. At the end of the Pilgrim's Way, I finally realized that I would never forgive him. For Martin, I will scoop his corpse out from the water and rip it apart. So that no one would save him!