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Throne and Liberty Talandre's Traditional Wine Business Plan

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Dear Kateha! It's been a month since we made the oath. How times flies, huh? Have you thought about what we said then? We were both drunk, so I made a note of what we said. There are two traditional drinks in Talandre. The Obsidian Beer, and Tear of Crystal Palace. The Obsidian Beer is made by fermenting obsidian and malt. Obsidians are found at the Black Anvil Forge, so... We wouldn't be able to make it. So, our goal would be the Tear of Crystal Palace.

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I know how to make the Tear of Crystal Palace, as that is our family recipe. Here is how to make the drink: ferment apricots from Herba Village with Crystal Lake water, filter them, and seal the filtered water. That's how you make the drink. It contains fresh, sweet flavor from apricots, fresh taste of water from Deluzhnoa, and slight sweetness of the red weed from the Crystal Lake. The first sip makes you cold, and the second sip warms you up again. So in a word, odd number of sips make you cold, even number of sips warm you up. Dwarves from the Black Anvil tried to make this drink as well using the water from the Crystal Lake, but all failed because they didn't know the recipe. And this drink is not available outside Talandre. For some reason, the taste changes when it's stored in a barrel for too long. Maybe it's Deluzhnoa's curse... But who knows?

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But it's a different story when it comes to your reenforced oak barrel. I think it's doing something. Your barrel helps the drink to last longer. So how about we open a business? What do you say? It's a perfect plan, isn't it? We'll be rich in no time. I've been building a brewery these days, waiting for your lovely oak barrels. I also built a storage for your barrels. We'll talk about how to split the profit when we meet again. You will like it, I tell you. Now, go ahead and work on your amazing oak barrels for our brighter future. Your friend and the best business partner, Todd Green.