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Throne and Liberty The Great Journey of the Seven Wizards

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Deluzhnoa opened their mouth and breathed out thick hoarfrost. When this frigid air that could freeze flesh and blood approached the seven wizards, the earth wizard Dneira raised some stones and buried the frosty fog beneath the soil. The ice storm that Deluzhnoa cast approached Hale Verpheus. Hale couldn't dodge the attack as he was casting a binding spell, so the fire wizard Kirilrosa cloaked him in flames. Her cloak sent off a dragon inferno that collided with the storm, creating thick vapor. Enraged, Deluzhnoa roared and a giant icicle started falling. Dorian, a morph wizard, shifted into an eagle and the wind wizard Alcon cast a gust upward to help him fly. Dorian let the wind take him and kept morphing back and forth and poured magic into the icicle. It scattered, its crystalline pieces reflecting blinding light.

That's when Deluzhnoa found the four relics placed in the temple. These relics were filled with elemental magic, and were prepared by the seven wizards to control Deluzhnoa's power. Deluzhnoa realized the plan and charged towards the relics, and Andras quickly began drawing the enchantment schema. Just when the schema was complete, Deluzhnoa's giant spear ran Andras through. Anaxa, who dashed forward to save him, tried to heal his injury, but he was in a hopeless state. With his final breaths, Andras coughed up blood and gave the others the order to attack. Dneira's magic pulled Deluzhnoa's spear into the earth and Kirilrosa's flames rode Alcon's wind and bound Deluzhnoa. When Dorian activated the relic of control, Hale held his two hands out to Deluzhnoa. The long sealing spell was finally complete. - Deluzhnoa, during the final battle -