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Throne and Liberty The Story of a Green Headed Goblin from Talandre

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Green-Haired Goblins of Talandre Gaius Cicero A long time ago, a severe drought ravaged the Urstella Fields. Rivers ran dry, forests withered, and game fled to greener pastures. Gorgon, the chief of the White Hair Clan and the most cunning of the four chiefs, proposed a solution to their land's scarce resources. They would hold a contest, clan vs clan, and the one losing clan would leave the area, leaving enough resources for the clans that remained in their lands. The already thirsty and hungry chiefs agreed to his idea. The contest was mushroom digging. Whichever clan uncovered the fewest mushrooms would be the loser and thus be banished. For an entire day and into the night, goblins feverishly dug up all they could find in the name of their clans.

For losing the mushroom gathering contest, the Red Hair Goblin Clan was banished. Chief Gorgon let them take the mushrooms they'd gathered before sending them on their way. But, even with an entire clan banished, the goblins of Urstella Fields still went hungry. Before long, another contest was held with the three remaining clans. This time, the contest would be a boar hunt. All goblins knew to fear the boars in Carmine Forest. These territorial beasts were the reason so many goblins who went to the forest to forage never came back to their clan. But, as a result of this contest, many goblins were at last victorious over the forest's vicious boars. The Black Hair clan, however, was not so lucky. The remaining two clans gave half of their hunted boar to the losing clan before banishing them. But, even with only two clans remaining in Urstella Fields, there was still not enough to go around. And with that, one final game was announced.

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The last contest would be a race between the White Hair clan and Green Hair clan. Gorgon, chief of the White Hair clan, suggested to Kagar, the chief of the Green Hair clan, that only the chiefs should race for the honor of their clans. The first to finish the race would be the victor. And so the race was on, with each clan cheering on their brave chief in hopes of winning the final contest. When the sun began to set, Gorgon of White Hair clan came back at long last, claiming that Kagar had gotten lost. The loyal Green Hair clan warriors immediately grabbed their weapons and ran off to find their missing chief, leaving the rest of their clan behind. As soon as the warriors left, Gorgon and his own warriors attacked the Green Hair clan. Everything had gone according to his plan.

The surviving goblins fled to the North, but not before the Green Hair clan's Chief Priest was executed. Before his death, the priest spat out a curse with his final breath: "When the stars fall, the tall folk shall slaughter you all!" The Green Hair clan survivors fled from the Urstella Fields to the north and settled among the mountains, which later became known as Talandre.

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Hundreds of years have passed. Now White Clan of the Urstella Fields believes that Gorgon was a wise hero, and mocks victims of frauds calling them "Green Hair." Green Hair goblins in the Talandre, on the other hand, call frauds "White Hair," which is deemed to be the worst insult in their society.