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Throne and Liberty The Story of Giants War for Young Wizards

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The Story of Giants War for Young Wizards (1) A long, long time ago, there was a world tree named The Great Sage Tree in Talandre. On the tree, Elves and Humans were living in peace and harmony. Elves taught Humans a lot of things, helping them to become better. Then one day, mean Giants started a terrible war. They wanted to rule the world and all other races. But Elves who knew how to use magic were such wise people. They went to dexterous Dwarves and asked them to make weapon for the war.

Then they asked fiery tempered Orcs for help. Orcs were not very friendly with other races, but Elves were finally able to persuade them to join the war against Giants. And for the last, Elves came to Humans to fight with them. Humans who learned the craft of magic from Elves, graciously accepted their request. That's how the alliance of Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and Humans was born. Giants became concerned. They were smarter than Elves, more dexterous than Dwarves, stronger than Orcs, but there just wasn't enough of them to fight against everyone. So Giants decided to make golems. Golems were even bigger and stronger than Giants.

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The Story of Giants War for Young Wizards (2) There was a mean Giant named Quietis. He was very good at magic, and he didn't care for the alliance. It was not surprising at all, since he could make a golem just as big as the world tree. Quietis used a gem with his magic power to make a golem's heart. He planted the gem into a rocky mountain and cast a magic. Then, the mountain became as golem, that looked just like Quietis. The golem armed with an axe walked towards the alliance. This terrible golem could be seen even from The Great Sage Tree. Elves worried that their precious tree might be destroyed. The tree was their home, and a school ground for Humans. So, Elves decided to stop the golem on the plain between mountains.

The alliance set up a magic circle to stop the golem, and waited for it to approach. Then, when it entered the magic circle, everyone started to attack! Quietis was too arrogant, and never expected these little people could stop his golem. Angry Quietis jumped on to the golem. Power! More power! Elves fought against the golem by borrowing more magical power from the nature. Other races help them, too. Finally, the golem fell with thunderous sound! Seeing the strongest Giant was defeated, other Giants fled. In the end, it was the alliance of small people who won the war.

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The Story of Giants War for Young Wizards (3) Elves took out the heart made by Quietis from the fallen golem. As the heart was removed, the golem turned into a giant stone. But the heart still contained Quietis' all the magic power. The heart beat with its magic, as if it was alive. Elves were worried that it might cause a trouble, and decided to seal the heart forever. They built a large temple, hid the heart at the deepest part of the temple, and guarded it so that no one could take it. But some Human wizards went greedy. They wanted the heart to rule the world, so they killed Elves who used to be their teachers with a forbidden magic spell. Good Human wizards fought against them along with Elves, but many Elves were hurt or killed during the process.

The betrayal devastated the Elves. They decided to leave this land where they lost many of their friends and families. But they didn't hate every Humans. They asked good Human wizards to protect the heart of Quietis, to keep the good faith between two races. After Elves left, good Human wizards decided that it would be safe to hid the fact that Quietis' heart was even there. So the temple was called the Temple of Light. They also built a very deep cave to store the precious knowledge that Elves left behind. They engraved the teachings of Elves on stone tablets, so that bad people can't change what was written. The stone tablets were sealed in a room where only good wizards could have an access. It is said that the entrance to this room is hidden somewhere in Quietis's Demesne.