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Throne and Liberty A Little Wolpertinger and the Hunter

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A long time ago, a hunter lived in the Forest of the Great Tree. One day, the hunter went out for hunting, and saw a gray fur ball at the bottom of a big tree. When he got closer, it was a little rabbit with wings. He had never seen or heard of a winged rabbit before, so he took a closer look. The little winged rabbit looked up the hunter, shaking. Why wouldn't it run? The hunter thought while looking at the palm-sized little rabbit. When the hunter picked up the winged rabbit, it screamed the saddest scream. Oh, no! One of the poor thing's wings was broken. The rabbit must have been practicing to fly from the tree and fell. "Ogres might get you if I leave you here." The hunter felt sorry for the rabbit, and decided to take it home.

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When the hunter got home, his wife and daughter were surprised. "This thing is way too small and cute to make a roast." His wife said. "Can we keep it?" Asked the daughter. "No. I'm letting it go when its wing heals." The hunter said. Then he bandaged the broken wing with clothes and a stick. He thought the rabbit would get better if he fed it well. But the winged rabbit seemed to have lost its appetite It refused to eat cabbages nor spinaches. The hunter got worried, and brought it to an elder lady of his village. When the lady saw the rabbit, she was so surprised. "This is not a winged rabbit! This is a spirit called Wolpertinger!" The hunter became more concerned. "Then what should I feed it?" The elder lady searched her old memories, and answered. "I heard Wolpertingers eat wild berries and dews." So the hunter began to collect berries every time he went out.

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The hunter's wife made a cozy bed for the spirit, and the daughter went out to collect dewdrops early in the morning everyday. The family took care of the Wolpertinger with all their heart. A season went by, and finally the Wolpertinger recovered its health. It was time for the spirit to go home. The hunter and his family went to the place where he first found the spirit. The little spirit flapped its wings but seemed hesitant to leave the family. Everyone was sorry to leave each other. "Goodbye, fur ball. Don't get hurt again!" The hunter tossed the little spirit upward so that it could settle on one of the tall trees. Soon after, the family heard strange voices! "Thank you for helping out our little friend, ting!" "Good tall-tingers! You have Wolpertingers blessings, ting!" There were large Wolpertingers sitting on tree branches, looking down at the family. It was such an astonishing moment. Since then, whenever the hunter went out, he always found plenty of games and fruits. Their family never went hungry again.