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Throne and Liberty Adriana's Letter

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My dear Martinay. Hello, it's been a while. You must have been worried sick about me, I'm so sorry. I couldn't write you sooner because I had to stay low to avoid Arkeums. I finally broke free from them when I moved to Talandre. At least, their spies in Talandre don't seem to know me yet. Oh, Martinay, I have a news for you. And that is... I do not suffer from mana frenzy anymore! I finally got full control of my magic! Can you believe it?

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Ten years ago, when Arkeum spies tried to hurt you, a storm began to whirl inside me. Since then, the storm came and go. I felt like I was being cursed, whenever my magic went crazy. But now I'm here, and I've been through so much. Now I'm strong enough to control the storm inside me. Well, I couldn't do this by myself. Have you heard of Janice? She helped me. I met her at a lighthouse, and later I found out that she was a renowned Archwizard. I was so lucky to meet her. She helped me to find my peace, and to become one with the magic. I realized that understanding and accepting myself was the key to control my magic.

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I have so much to tell you, but I can't go back to you for now. I have something to take care of. I can't tell you the details, but a terrible power that killed so many people long ago is about to come back, and I'm going to stop it. I talked to Janice, and realized that it can be only stopped by people like me, other Star-Born. So that's what I'm going to do. Martinay, I'll write you again soon. Thank you for all the love and support. - With all my heart, Adriana