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Throne and Liberty An Arkeum Soldier's Diary

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Sept. 13th I had to work early in the morning again. I was the night watch yesterday, so I dozed off, and Cervic, my senior, yelled at me. He said I should stay sharp if we were to deliver bitumen on time. But when do I get my sleep? Sept. 14th I went to work in the early morning again. Then I dozed off while carrying a bitumen bottle, and dropped it. No one saw me, so I covered them with dirt. Sept. 15th The captain found out that a bottle went missing, and is angry. What if they find out it was me? I'm in trouble.

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Sept. 16th Cervic quietly asked me if I knew something about the missing bottle. I tried to deny it, but he said he heard me sleep talking. So I told him the truth. Cervic was afraid that they might crush his balls for this, and said he'd keep it secret. All's good that ends good, right? Sept. 17th My fingers have been itching since yesterday. When Cervic saw me scratching my fingers under the gloves, he came and asked me if I touched bitumen when I dropped it. He looked dead serious, and I told him no without thinking. I didn't want another trouble. Cervic seemed relieved, and said I should never touch it unless I wanted to become one of the test subjects. But... what if I did...?

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Sept. 18th I didn't sleep yesterday. I couldn't. The bitumen mutates you, if you touch it? Why didn't anyone tell me this before? Could it be true? So far, nothing happened but some itching fingers. Will they make me a test subject if I really mutate? No, no! I am an Arkeum soldier! They wouldn't do that to one of their own. Sept. 19th My fingers are burning. I took off my gloves, and saw my fingers turned black. There were weird horn-like things between the fingers, too. I quickly put on the gloves again. Will they use me as a test subject? Or maybe they will cure me. Or not. What do I do? Should I run? Oh, man. I am so lost...