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Throne and Liberty An Elven Wizard's Letter

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My dear Marcella, Hello, how are you? I hope Mercer and Uriel are doing fine as well? It's been one hundred and fifty years since I left my home, so I guess they must have grown a lot. I will be in a battlefield by the time this letter finds you. But don't worry. I will come home once this battle is over. So many things happened for the last thirty years. I couldn't tell this to anyone, but you always listened to my story with smiles so I wanted to tell you this. When I came here to teach magic to Humans, I met a twelve-year-old Human boy. His name was Horton. He could already sense the presence of Elementals, and had a great potential in magic. It was such a joy to watch him perfectly reciting incantations that I taught him. Then one day, a landslide happened. Horton asked me to teach him spells to crush rocks so that he could protect people from falling rocks.

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I wasn't sure if I was ready to teach him dangerous magic spells yet, but the boy seemed so sincere. So I taught him a couple explosive magic spells. In the next year, there was a draught, and me and Horton had to go on a hunting to find some food. Horton told me he was going to hunt a deer by himself, so I let him. After a few hours, I heard an explosion. I went to where Horton headed, and what I saw... was a horror. There were a hundred of animal carcasses ripped into pieces. Blood everywhere. And Horton dripping with blood was standing in the middle of the massacre, smiling. Almost like... a demon. That's when I realized that the boy was a trouble. After a long consideration, I made up my mind. I couldn't let my magic spells destroy the world. A few days later, I brought Horton to a cliff, bound him with my magic, and lifted him in the air.

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The boy cried. "Master, please don't hurt me! I swear I will never use the magic again! You can take my hands, if you want!" I hesitated. I just couldn't kill the boy. So I made him swear that he would never use any magic that I taught him, and let him go. I knew it was all meaningless, but there was nothing I could do. A few years later, the Human king declared a war against Elves. We were stupid to teach magic to Humans. We were ignorant of their true nature. I was appointed as the commander of our wizard army, and fought in two battles. I've been victorious for both of the occasions fortunately, but the prospect is grim for us. We even heard a news that Humans are now using the dark magic. Yesterday, I got a letter from the commander of our enemy. To my surprise, the enemy commander's name was Horton. The letter said that he was going to slaughter every one of us with the Dark Power only, and would never use anything I taught him, just as he promised... I think I am finally ready to kill him now.

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Tomorrow, I'm going to end the tragedy that I wrought a long time ago. I will tell you more when I go home. You'll have to hear them all, no matter how boring they would be, okay? Your truest friend, Leoneil