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Throne and Liberty Ironhead Dolph's Second Letter

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My dear Joseph, How are you, my friend? Did you read my letter I sent you before I fought the Headcrusher Terror Bird? You must be dying to know how it went, so I'll tell you. It was such an ominous day. For some reason, even the sky was red as if the gate to the hell itself was about to open. Still, the place was crowded with gamblers and audiences. The betting money was stored in a sturdy chest set in the middle of the ring. Musk, the host of the match, prepared various pre-match shows and sold snacks. Such a respectable entrepreneurship. Finally, the match began. People cheered and screamed when the huge Terror Bird came into the ring.

An old woman prayed for me, even. Seeing the actual bird was a bit of a shocker, but you know me! Dolph, the iron headed man! I was ready to fight. I stared long and hard into the eyes of the Terror Bird, and jumped. The bird jumped into me, too. BAM! We knocked out each other, and I blacked out for a few seconds. Then I woke up. When I stood up on my legs, the crowd cheered and the referee declared my victory. That was the end of my match. Then a few days later, Musk came to me with the fight money. He was very drunk, and told me something I didn't want to believe.

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"You did well! Here is your money. And to tell you the truth... the Terror Bird you fought was actually a man who transformed into the bird. I'm sorry that I lied to you, but you would have never agreed to come if you knew the truth. Also, if you really fought a Terror Bird, you wouldn't be here neither!" I was so embarrassed and angry when I heard him, but I really needed the money... So I took my share and left the town. That's how I could give you the money I owed you... Anyways, I made up my mind. I will never embarrass myself for money again. Never! And, I would have won even if I actually fought a Terror Bird. So I'm planning to fight the actual Terror Bird, as well as other renowned warriors all across the world. A manly man's grand journey to complete the ultimate art of headbutting, wouldn't that be amazing? Don't be a stranger when I visit Talandre!

P.S.: If the deliverer of this letter demands a reward, don't give him any. I already paid him enough.