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Throne and Liberty King Khanzaizin's Story

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Rain was pouring on the day Master Lirel brought the young Ogre. The young boy was shivering, hiding behind my master... No one knew what kind of monster he was going to be back then. Master Lirel was a proud Elven wizard, and he always took care of war orphans, regardless of their races. He taught orphans how to read and cast magic, saying every race deserved respect Master named the red Ogre "Khanzaizin." Other children called him a dumb monster when master was not looking. But I couldn't stand it anymore. One day, I knocked out one of the kids who were harassing Khanzaizin. Soon other kids overwhelmed me and beat the crap out of me, but still, it felt good.

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When Master Lirel came back, he scolded all of us. Then after a long contemplation, he cast a magic on Khanzaizin. Since then, Khanzaizin became smart enough to learn the human language. He looked up on me like an older brother since I saved him from bullies, and I taught him writings and magic spells. I even gave him my favorite wand when I left to train swordsmanship. He was thrice bigger than me, yet seemed so sad. After ten years of training, I became one of the elite magic swordsmen. And that was the year the war between Elves and Humans started. When I refused to kill Elves, they imprisoned me in the underground dungeon for disobedience. Then my commander came to find me after a few days.

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He said a monster has been slaughtering our soldiers, and he'd let me go if I kill the monster. So I left with my men to Talandre, where the monster was. When we entered a narrow path in a foggy forest, large shadows came out. The attack was brutal. My men died with screams. I tried to fight, but something hit me and I fell. I think I heard a voice as I lose my consciousness. "You... killed. Humans. Master Lirel. Human...! I will kill you all. You are a human, too. If you come back... I will kill you!" When I woke up, I was among my dead men. One of them had a wand stabbed in his heart. It was the magic wand that I gave to Khanzaizin long ago.