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Throne and Liberty Ogres' Mating Ritual

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Ogres may seem uncultured and without intelligence, but they have their own traditions. Some tribes run secret rituals, and one of them is called the "Dance of Mating."

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When the wind blows south and red trees are filled with sap, Ogres wait for the full moon and gather at a secret place. Then they build a tower with logs they brought in. When the tower is complete, the ritual leader hits the tower with a hammer made of flintstone to lit a fire and roars to signal everyone to begin the ritual. Male Ogres then start a peculiar group dance. They all move exactly the same way, even if no one taught them how to dance. The dance goes on until they become exhausted and pass out. Female Ogres enjoy snacks or drum on trees as if playing a musical instrument while watching them dancing. Only those who dance until the end can find their mates. We do not know how such ritual began, as they do not have a proper language to explain it to us, but we do believe this ritual must be their instinctive behavior to produce healthy offsprings.