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Throne and Liberty About Vampires

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I started researching on Vampires twenty years ago. I used to be a healer, a shaman, and an undertaker. As an undertaker, my job was to restore seriously damaged bodies for their funerals, and the pay was pretty good. Then one day, when I was preparing a dead man for his funeral, something shocking happened. The dead man suddenly opened his eyes and sat up. I got so scared and called my wizard friend Rupert. The "dead" man came back to his senses when Rupert used healing magic on him, and explained to us what had happened. And his story changed my life forever.

The man's name was Sergio. He used to be a good sailor, but as he got older, it became harder for him to find a job. He spent his time drinking at bars, then one day, a mysterious nobleman came to him. The nobleman said he would give Sergio a fortune if he brought an empty ship at the southern sea of Talandre to this dock on the day of dark moon. Sergio was only too happy to accept the offer, and recruited other crewmen. Then him and his crewmen assumed the nobleman wanted the ship for its treasures, and decided to go for the treasure themselves.

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After a few days later, the day of the dark moon, a huge merchant ship emerged from a thick fog, just like the nobleman said. Sailors took hold of the ship and changed its course to the destined pier. Meanwhile, some of the crews along with Sergio went down to the cargo hold to find hidden treasures. The cargo hold was cold and creepy. When they lit a lamp, hundreds of coffins appeared. Terrified sailors ran to the deck, but Sergio was certain that treasures were hidden in the coffins. But when he pried open the lid of a coffin, he regretted his decision. Hundreds of vampires were sleeping in these coffins. Vampires opened their eyes, and feasted upon the poor sailors. The only survivor was Sergio.

Sergio then blacked out when the leader of Vampires bit him, and woke up to sail the ship to the destination as he was ordered to do. When the ship entered the port, Vampires turned into bats and flew away. The leader told Sergio to wait until his master would come back, and left. When Sergio finished telling us the story, he begged us to free him from his monstrous master. But Rupert told Sergio that half-vampires couldn't be saved, even with magic. When he heard Rupert, Sergio threw himself under the sunlight right in front of our eyes in despair, and turned into ashes. Since this tragic experience, me and Rupert started researching for this cure. After years of study, we finally created potions and magic spells that could stop half-vampires from fully turning into Vampires. We named them "Sergio Cure."

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I wonder where all the Vampires on the ship have gone to?