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Throne and Liberty An Accidental Discovery of the Purification Device

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Some people say scholarly advancement comes from constant study, but sometimes, a mistake presents a breakthrough. The bitumen purification device is one of them. For the last few years, I've been studying the red fog at the Swamp of Silence to find a way to purify the corruption. Red Bitumen, a red fog concentration, was the key to the purification. Many scholars came to help, but we couldn't create any meaningful result. Then, we decided to purify the contamination using heat, and created a bitumen purification device. We used flammable magical materials as a heat source, but it was not hot enough to purify bitumen.

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We added coals to raise the temperature, but it didn't work. When everyone was frustrated, one of the young researchers screamed. When we ran to see what happened, the researcher was sitting on the ground, with his both hands on his head. He accidentally added bitumen, instead of coals. Then, something amazing happened. Magical materials reacted to bitumen, causing tremendous heat. We added more bitumen, and it worked. The heat radiated from the mixture successfully purified a small amount of bitumen. A contamination purifying itself! From this experience, I realized that we should pay attention to everything when you run studies, even if it was a coincident.