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Throne and Liberty Royal Rokard, the Forgotten Ship

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Rikichen There once was a saying that "Every ship is born in Rokard." It is said that Rokard Shipyard used to be at the northwest of the Rusty Anchor Coast. This place has turned into an accursed desolate swamp now, but it once was a busy place filled with ship crafting masters. The shipyard was famous for high quality ships made by very skilled craftsmen. But suddenly, red fogs and tidal waves swept out the shipyard. The shipyard was never restored, and survivors left their destroyed workplace. The water level constantly went down, and eventually, the coast turned into a swamp.

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Now the Rusty Anchor Coast is a graveyard for ships, filled with remains of bygone ships. You won't even find a single piece of the shipyard that once was the best facility in the world. I felt even deeper remorse when I read "Royal Rokard" article from Solisium Encyclopedia page 327, line 5: "Royal Rockard was the masterpiece that put both the magic and science together; this ship will provide you the most magical experience." The ship was never completed due to the red fog, though. I searched the Rusty Anchor Coast ruin to find any remaining of Royal Rockard, but I couldn't find this particular ship among the piled up wreckage. I could feel the passion of craftsmen of the past from these wreckages, though. Now mark my words; I will finish Royal Rockard, the dream ship that was never delivered someday.