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Throne and Liberty The Origins of Karchars and Leviathan

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Karchars and Leviathan are apex predators. But their origins are now very well known.

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They are ancient kinds, about one thousand years old. Their eyes are degraded, but hearing and olfactory senses are extraordinary. These two species look similar, so scholars believed that they were originated from the same environment. But documents from the Temple of Truth tell different story. Leviathan made its first appearance when the red fog first, and Leviathan didn't look very different from now. On the other hand, Karchars were quite different back then, and evolved into the current shape. When considering the average speed of evolution, it would be safe to assume that Leviathan was already in the current form, even before the red fog came.

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It means Leviathan was already exposed to a certain element before the earthquake and finished evolving into the current form, and it is possible that this element was the primary source of the red fog. This theory also could explain whey Leviathan is much faster than Karchars, and can create red fog like aura to influence nearby creatures. This source element of the red fog will be my next research topic. - Shark researcher, Aria Kresswell.