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Throne and Liberty A Rumor Among Miners

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My dear lapper friend Glied, Toiho! How have you been, friend? It's been a year since you quit working as a miner, after you hurt your feet. Is it any getting better yet? I'm amazed by your choices, though. You picked your feet with your pickaxe while you were drunk with Monmon Wine, and now you're working at a Monmon Wine brewery! You are the most wine loving Dwarf I've ever seen. Haha! For me, I'm still working at the Obsidian mine. At night, drinking at Big Hammer Bar, and during the day, mining Obsidians. Oh, you know what? I heard the weirdest rumor at the mine. That there are Arkeum Humans wandering around the Obsidian mine!

As you know, our legion commander, Pakilo Naru hates Humans. Since he lost Lurai Naru to Bercants. He used to be such a respectable Dwarf, but now, he's just angry all the time... And to think that some miners claim that they saw Arkeum Humans at the mine! Miners are drunk all the time, so I don't really trust them, though. Also, Bonia Naru would never allow such a thing to happen! However, if the rumor is true... Pakilo won't let them get away with it! He might even kill his own men, I mean US, out of fury! So if you ever see something suspicious at your brewery, let me know. So that I can report it to Bonia! P.S. Please write me only when you're not drunk.