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Throne and Liberty Black Anvil Forge's Safety Regulations

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Training a good worker requires tremendous efforts. Please follow these five principles for your own safety. 1. Wear safety gear at all times We are strong, but you don't have to test it by throwing yourself into the forge. Unless you can make a super sophisticated golem arm for yourself, wear your safety gear at all times. 2. Constant maintenance Last time, there was a fire caused by molten iron leak from the forge and the repair is still ongoing. If you see something wrong, fix it. No matter how miniscule it is. The fire started from one single loose screw. Everything has to be perfect. Inspect, and maintain. Everyday.

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3. No excessive drinking during meal time or resting time. Drinking alcohol does help you relieve stresses, but it is also a major cause of safety accidents such as falling. Do not drink over thirty glasses during the meal or resting times. If you want more, drink after work! 4. Do not carry unauthorized items Unauthorized tools and ingredients are not allowed. It could damage the furnace or cause explosions. New inventions should be authorized and used under the supervision of your manager. 5. Non-disclosure of Restricted Information Our enemies have spies everywhere. Anything you might blabber in a pub could endanger our Refinery and the clan. Never mention restricted information when you're outside of the Refinery. If you think you can't handle it, just drink until you pass out.