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Throne and Liberty Black Anvil Legion's Complaint Letter

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To Arkeum Legion. I have something very important to tell you. The problem we've been ignoring up until now. We, the Black Anvil Legion, believed that our alliance was based on our mutual trusts and interests. But it seems you have different agendas. Look at this ledge. Feb. 16th, 10 bitumen bottles shipped in, 100 kg of obsidian shipped out Mar. 19th, 10 bitumen bottles shipped in, 100 kg of obsidian shipped out Apr. 15th, 10 bitumen bottles shipped in, 120 kg of obsidian shipped out Jun. 15th, 10 bitumen bottles shipped in, 130 kg of obsidian shipped out First of all, you are the one who requested to increase the obsidian requirement. It was different from our initial agreement, but we knew how difficult it was to obtain bitumen, so we agreed.

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Even when you changed the conditions, we did our best to deliver you the best quality of goods to keep our end of bargain. But how about you? Nov. 28th, 0 bitumen bottles shipped in, 130 kg of obsidian shipped out Dec. 30th, 8 bitumen bottles shipped in (supplementary goods for the last exchange), 2 bottles broken, 0 kg of obsidian shipped out You see, we delivered you the promised obsidians even when you failed us to bring bitumen bottles. You said you were going to bring in the missing bitumen after a week, but you delivered only eight bottles after a month! Because of this, our lethal weapon construction plan has been delayed!

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We need the exact amount of bitumen at the exact time in order to build the weapon. That's what you said to us! Don't forget. We're dealing with you only because we need your bitumen to build our weapon. If it goes on like this, our deal is off! Next time, make sure to bring in the 10 bitumen bottles as promised, as well as 2 additional bottles that you failed to deliver. Remember, we will not take excuses like "Resistance took our bottles" this time. - Black Anvil Legion