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Throne and Liberty Black Anvil Sculpturers Guild Statement

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Stop using golems, it is a violation against sculptors' rights! "Sad" and "miserable" are the only words that could describe the current status of the Black Anvil Forge. At the beginning of the Giant Dwarf Statue project, golems were supposed to work on the feet of the statue only. But then they moved on to the lower body parts, and now they are working on the waist and chest parts as well. It is everyone's knowledge that faces and heads require the most delicate and expertized touch of professional sculptors; but it seems the admin is willing to let golems, that are nothing but mineral mining machines, ruin the face of this grand project. We, sculptors, are aware that Tangkul is the one behind this atrocious decision. Tangkul knows nothing about sculpting, and his unprofessional and arbitrary decision must be condemned.

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If he keeps insisting on using golems only for the sake of proficiency, it will ruin the project. If they truly want a masterpiece, they should respect the traditional way of sculptors and limit the use of golems. We do not want a project of our own name on it becomes an embarrassment. We, the Black Anvil Sculptors Union, is going to fight for justice, and those who support us are welcome to join us.

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The Supporting Statement for Black Anvil Sculptors Union We support the Black Anvil Sculptors Union that is trying to protect our traditions and improve the working conditions for artists. Every creators should be respected, and we do believe that through this movement, the Black Anvil Forge will become a better place for Dwarves. Signed by: Big Hammer Bar, Black Anvil Writers Union, Paint with Hammers Union, Booming Miners Trade Union, and Minstrels Union